
Monday, May 23, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He is so mean to his sister. Always doing something to make her mad, yes she does get upset real easy but he know what he is doing and thinks its funny to get her riled up.  Maybe they will like each other one day?

Updates on McKay -
Has been getting hurt left and right.  Lots of falls, lots of her baby brother throwing things and it hitting her in the face, lots of bandaids (its good thing I have pink ones cause they make it feel better faster) and lots of tears.  Poor girl!

Updates on Stanley -
Oh me oh my we are in a busy and troublemaking stage.  It sure is a good thing he is cute!  While I was showering this week he surprisingly left me alone.  When I got out I was surprised to see the kids bathroom door open and him playing in the toilet water, which wouldn't be so bad if one of the kids didn't forget to flush the toilet!  Luckily it was just pee.  GROSS!!!!  He sure is keeping me busy.
But he makes up for it with all his cute and silliness.

For FHE this week we took a walk and let the kids talk about anything they wanted about the gospel. It was so simple but so interesting to hear the questions they have.
Then we had fun playing at the park!

This week was a pretty calm week.  We have decided to put our house on the market so we did a lot of cleaning and when we were not cleaning we were outside.
Mud beard!
 Stanley has really wanted to be like the big kids and do crafts with them.
 Lots of walks and playing at the park.
 McKay surprised me this week with wanting to jog with me instead of sitting in the stroller.  Sure made me happy to hear that!  She only made it about .25 miles but that is huge for my not so athletic girl.

Friday Alex took the older kids camping.
Father kid ward campout.
Stanley and I got to spend the night together.  It sure is funny how I use to think one kid was a lot of work and now it feels like a vacation.

Saturday the kids got back from the campout early so Clifton could make it to his soccer game.
He sure loved playing in the rain.  "Mom, soccer is better in the rain!" - Clifton
Of course we had to get some hot coco after the game to warm up!

Then we went to Evan's fun birthday party.
Dinosaur dig party!  It was a lot of fun.

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