
Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Updates on Clifton -
His new thing is to say "Oh my gosh!" to everything.  And I mean everything.

Updates on McKay -
Wants to listen to the Lion Guard soundtrack all day every day and knows every word of every song. It's pretty cute to watch her belt it out.

Updates on Stanley -
He is hitting, I don't think to be mean.  We are trying to teach him it is not okay.

Monday was a beautiful and hot day.  We decided to go play at Scenic Beach with the Neilson's.
Stanley is so different then my other kiddos and has no hesitation about jumping into water.
Later that day we played in the water at home.
I just love days like these.

Tuesday morning we had a play date with the Dyal's.  Stanley kept laying on the floor with Baby Camilla and playing with her.
It made me laugh that Stanley is so tiny and the same size as her.  Cuties!

That night was soccer practice.
 I love their relationship.  Stanley ran onto the field and hugged his brother.  They stopped practice so they could steal a hug.  LOVE them.
When he wasn't running onto the field he was playing with wishes.  It started so cute, trying to blow them away.  Then ended so gross!  This kid sure makes me laugh.
After practice we meet up with the Neilson's to get ice cream and celebrate Baylee's birthday.
I loved getting them back together again.  

Wednesday we meet with the Neilson's and played with the girls so Kathryn could try and get some packing done.
I had so much fun with these kiddos playing at the mall.  They are just so fun.  We sure are going to miss them.
Then on our way out we were feeling spontaneous and decided to give the animal rides at try.
A super fun morning playing.

My boys!
I hope their friendship and bind never changes.

May the 4th be with you!

Cinco de Mayo

Friday Clifton's school had muffins for moms.
Silly boy!
Then we went on a hike in Belfair with the Bouck's.
It was a beautiful hike and I will be back.
Then back to Clifton's school to release the butterflies we bought as caterpillars and watched transform.
They kids thought it was so cool, as did I.

Saturday morning we all got to go cheer Clifton on at his game.
 Daddy and Clifton discussing game plan :)

Then Alex and I got to go on a date to see Captain America.
It was a great movie!

Sunday was Mother's day and I was very spoiled by my babies and hubby.
Flowers, got to sleep in, my favorite breakfast made, a fit bit, lots and lots of hugs and kisses, a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's house, and a yummy dinner and dessert.  A great day!  Being a Mother is no question the hardest thing but its so worth every minute.  I am very blessed to have these cute kiddos.

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