
Monday, May 16, 2016

Updates on Clifton -
He is loving soccer and I am so glad he has it to let some energy out.

Updates on McKay -
We had a great streak with her but sadly that streak is over.  She is back to whining a lot.  Hopefully we can get back to less whining!

Updates on Stanley -
Loves to say no, no, no and shake his finger, thinks its pretty funny when I tell him no, has figured out how to climb up on top of the kitchen table, runs around like crazy, and is just the cutest thing ever.

Early Monday morning Alex left for Georgia for work.  So just the kids and I this week.
Monday for FHE we met up with the Neilson's for a picnic at the park.
One last hurrah together before they move to Idaho :(  It was a beautiful night and such a great time together.  Love that family!

We have been watching a friends little one lately and Stanley and him have made a cute little friendship.
 I love it!

We had a beautiful week full of warmth and sunshine.  So outside we went...
 Taking nature walks.
Jogging and napping with mommy!
Working out with mommy, or making me work out harder ;)
And making silly faces with mommy.
Park fun.
Being silly at soccer practice.
 Stanley trying to join the ladies at dance class.
Playing in the water with our friends.
Going to Petco after a Costco trip and...
 Kissing the bearded dragon.
 Manchester beach for an evening of fun.
And missing Daddy a whole bunch!

The weekend was full of fun too.  Grandma and Grandpa stopped by for a couple hours.  They were going to a concert in Seattle and had time to come play with us while waiting for the ferry.
 Ice cream for lunch!
Foot ferry ride.

Fountain fun. 

Finally we got Daddy back and just in time for Clifton's soccer game.
Clifton scored three goals and played so well.  It was a fun game!

Then that afternoon I got to sneak away and go to the temple with some friends.  It was a wonderful day.

Sunday was a very hard day.  We had to say goodbye (we will call them see ya laters) to our best friends, the Neilson's!  We will miss them so much.
They have been a huge part of our lives the last three years and sad that Washington is losing them, but know we will keep in touch and make time to meet up.  We sure love them!

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