
Monday, May 2, 2016

Soccer Time!

Updates on Clifton -
He started soccer for spring session.  He is loving it.  And it is much needed activity to get his energy out.

Updates on McKay -
She is being the usual sassy and silly McKay.

Updates on Stanley -
He sure makes us laugh.  He has an "ahhhh face" he gives us often.
Seriously he couldn't be cuter!
He had a rough weekend with another asthma flair up.  Poor guy sure struggles with his asthma and usually in the middle of the night :(

For FHE we went to our friends house, the Johnson's.  We had a great night visiting.
They put together a cute lesson on the iron rod.  Then we got to know their chickens.
 She loves animals!
And even got to take some fresh eggs home.  My kids couldn't believe that eggs have chickens in them, haha.  If we ever get some property I would love to have some chickens.  It would be great for my kids.

Tuesday was Clifton's first soccer practice of the season.
He was a little nervous at first cause he didn't know anyone on his team but after warming up for a couple minutes he was good.
Stanley practice his soccer on the sidelines, yep he is a little clumsy just like his mom.

Wednesday was our 9 year anniversary.  We already celebrated by going to Vegas, but we had a gift card to a restaurant and decided to go out just the two of us that night!
 It was wonderful!  I sure love this man and have had the best 9 years ever and can't wait to make more memories.
That day we also found out Alex got the manager job he applied for at work!  So we got to celebrate with things at once.  So proud of him and all the hard work he does for us.

Thursday dance class...
Stanley trying to join in again.

Friday we enjoyed hiking.
Love my adventurers.  

Saturday was Clifton's first soccer game.
 Cutest cheerleaders.
 He had fun and played so well.  Proud of that kiddo!
 He played goalie and couldn't have been happier.  He loved it and was consistently jumping up and down with joy.  And he did well in the goal too, blocking a few shoots.
A beautiful and fun morning!
On our way to get ice cream after the game we noticed the Y was having a big event so while we waited for the ice cream place to open we played there.
Then ice cream to celebrate the good game.

That night we got to go out again with our friends that are moving away, the Bennion's.  It was a great night out with them one last time.  They will be missed!

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