
Monday, April 25, 2016


Updates on Clifton -
Was so excited to ride the bus this week for the first time and loved it.

Updates on McKay -
We are struggling with her and hitting (mainly her brothers).

Updates on Stanley -
He has some new words... grandma, grandpa, and kitty.

Monday was the start of our Vegas trip.  It was different than planned.  I was supposed to fly down Wednesday and join Alex, but something came up at work for Alex and his trip got cut short and needed to be back by Thursday morning.  So Alex spoiled me like he always does, changed my flight so we didn't have to cancel our plans and his mother was able to come watch our kids earlier.  Although it cost us a pretty penny, so we had to changed plans in Vegas.  We didn't get to go see a show because of the cost of the flight change.  We didn't get to sit nest to each other on the plane.  Also Alex coworker was there and his wife planned to join him Wednesday like my plan so we could do things together.  Although plans changed it was a GREAT and much needed trip!

Monday I went to work with Alex, walking the NAB. It was fun watching Alex geek out!

He feel in love and is creepily stroking the camera.
NAB was a little above my head with all the fancy technologies but I had fun messing around.

After work we walked the strip with Alex's coworker who has never been to Vegas, showing him the sights.
 Clifton insisted that if we went to Vegas without him and we see the minions, like last time we were in Vegas with him, I must take a picture.  Silly kid!
New York rollercoaster.  It has been a LONG time since I have been on a roller coaster.

Tuesday Alex went to the convention with out me and I stayed in and slept.  Then got a great work out in.
I loved hitting the pool and soaking up needed sun.  Great great great morning resting and doing well not much!

That night after Alex was done at work we drove to Red Rock Canyon.
My golly it was so stunning.
I could have spent all day, shoot weeks exploring.

Then we went back to the strip.
Rode the Gondola at the Venetian, something I have always wanted to do but with toddlers would not work.
Got dessert at Carlos Bakery, yum!

Wednesday, our last day, I went to the NAB with Alex.  Then we got to have dinner with his coworker and his coworkers wife who just got in.
On our way out we hit up the famous Las Vegas sign for pictures.  A wonderful trip!

 As much fun as it was to be away it sure is nice to be missed and to be home with my babies.
Grandma Peterson sure did an amazing job taking care of the kiddos.  We were sad to have to take her home.  I cannot thank her enough for helping and loving my kids.  Stanley and her sure made a strong attachment while I was gone.  She is the best!

Saturday was a full day.  Starting out with the Port Orchard's day of service.  Just the kids and I, while Alex was at a YM's campout.
Clifton did great!  McKay put in a little work (she mostly pretended to work for the camera).  There was wonderful youth there that helped play with Stanley so I could to serve.

Next I got to help throw my friend a baby shower and enjoyed chatting with friends.

That night I had a date with my cute little men.  A mother/son dance, hoedown!
 I love my cute cute boys.
 Clifton had fun with his friends too.
I am so glad they dances with my I pray they never get too old to not dance with me!

These boys dancing.  They wouldn't let me join in but thats ok I got to enjoy their cuteness.  Brothers are the best!!!!
McKay and Daddy went on a date that night too.  McKay said for her date she needed to go shopping and find a rockstar shirt and then get ice cream.  So thats what they did.  And by rock star McKay means kitty because she came home with a kitty shirt.  She is silly!

Cute pictures from the week...
Boys running to each other when Clifton got home from school.  Seriously could they be any cuter?
McKay reading Stanley a book.  Sometimes she can be the sweetest little girl.

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