
Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Break

Updates on Clifton -
He had spring break this week and we played hard.  He somehow still missed school.  He told me he was having fun but kept wondering when he gets to go back to school.

Updates on McKay -
Had a harder week with her brother home but as long as we kept busy they didn't kill each other ;)

Updates on Stanley -
Asthma was acting up again and not sleeping great.  Plus he has a mouth full of teeth poking through at least 6!  Rising early has been his thing this week.
It's a good thing he will cuddle with me in bed until the other kids wake up.

Monday was the first day of spring break so off we went to play.  We got to have Evan with us most of the week and it was so fun to have him with us again.  He sure fits in perfectly!
 Ferry ride to Seattle!
Then to Pacific Science Center!  We love that place.

Then that night when Alex got home he wanted to do something fun for FHE.
Yep I still got it... 151 not too shabby.  Almost got a turkey, thanks to the many summers of  bowling camp.

Tuesday was our down day.  We went out to play but just to visit the Bug Museum.
And we got some caterpillars to bring home and watch transform into butterflies.

Wednesday we decided to try a new place.  The Northwest Trek.
 Yep he is peeing...
And yep Clifton thought it was hilarious!  It was a fun day but I prefer the Game Farm instead.

Thursday we went to the zoo.
 Their faces are priceless!
 Rolling down the hill.
Carousel ride.

That night we had a picnic on the Bay because it was just too nice of a day to eat inside.
I love the sunshine, oh and sand and water!

Friday Stanley's asthma was acting up so we stayed close and went on a hike.  But Alex had the day off so it was a happy happy day.
I love days that we all get to play together!

Saturday we went to ride the little trains.

We had a gift card to See Films so we decided to use it to go see Zootopia... and we LOVED the movie.
And the movie theater, maybe my favorite theater in this area.

Fun pictures from the week...
Starting up bike/runs with Clifton once a week.  Love this time with him and the fact that he wants to do it with me.
Ice cream with friends to celebrate our friends birthday!
Captured the beast!
We were cleaning out our closet and McKay begged to try on my wedding "princess" dress.  She is adorable!

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