
Monday, March 20, 2017

Clifton Turns 7!

Updates on Clifton -
He is 7!  And made a point to not say he was 7 until the time of day that I had him, 4:30pm.  Then he announced he is finally 7.  Silly kid.

Updates on McKay -
Is my shadow lately.  She is literally right by me all day long.  Maybe she knows school is coming and she will be away from me a lot more, but its interesting she all of the sudden in super attached.

Updates on Stanley -
Talks up a storm.  He is quite a story teller, but we have the hardest time understanding him when he gets very excited and tells longer stories.  It is so dang cute, probably my favorite thing right now.
And is just pure trouble.  I love him so very much but hate this stage where I have to actually discipline and stick to my guns.  Its a lot of work, especially for a very active crazy boy.

Monday for FHE Alex taught a cute lesson about being fishers of men.  Ways we can be examples and share friends about the gospel.
Such a cute lesson and the kids loved it.

Preschool fun...
Such a fun gang!

The sun came out a little bit more this week and the temperatures are rising a little, which means I am a ton more productive!  I got to go for a run outside!  I love running outside and this winter had pushed me to the gym more instead, but it felt good to be outside.
I worked on the bathroom wallpaper this week and it did not go well.  I got the other bathroom wallpaper off well enough but this bathrooms wallpaper is seriously so hard to get off.
I did one small wall and have given up :/
I cleaned up our front yard with all its fallen branches and debris and put up new house numbers!
I love how the sunshine makes everyone happier and more productive.

We heard the frogs one night and decided we needed to go on a frog hunt the next morning.
 We didn't catch or see any but it was so much fun exploring.
This boy loves being outside and exploring (aka getting dirty).

Saint Patricks day isn't my favorite holiday but we still all wear green and make some green mashed potatoes.

Friday I got to sneak out and have lunch at school with Clifton.  
 He was so happy!
Sitting at the birthday table he asked his friend Dallin to join us too.

Thursday Madness started at our house.
The kiddos all filled out their own brackets this year and Clifton is soooo into it.  McKay lost int he first round :) but still enjoys cheering her teams on.

Recess time...
Wall balling!  You know I dominated ;) Haha it was fun playing with the kids.

Saturday was Clifton's birthday.  He started with playing a soccer game with his friend Evan and had a blast!  Then we watched basketball all afternoon.
This is Clifton's reaction to his team, Villanova, losing.  He cracks me up!

Then we went out and hit some balls at the driving range.

Then he had his party.  This year he decided on having a movie night with some friends.
A great group of kiddos and lots of fun.

Sunday we went to Olympia to listen to Alex's niece speak at church and for her goodbye party for her mission.  
We will miss her but know she is going to do great things.  Louisiana is lucky to have her for the next 18 months. 
Trying to fit both of their heads in one strand of beads.  As you can tell it was another wonderful day with family!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Go Blazers!

Updates on Clifton -
He got his self manager badge at school and is so excited about it.  he has shown he is responsible enough to do certain things by himself by getting his self manager badge.

Updates on McKay -
I have been reading a parenting book that has helped me with McKay.  Instead of getting frustrated with her crazy emotions, I am empathizing with her.  At first I thought it was useless but it has worked, she calms down eventually and then does what was asked or figures out what to do to calm down on her own.  Man this parenting thing is hard!

Updates on Stanley -
He is getting in so much trouble lately.  Throwing, hitting, spitting, all that fun two year old double.  Lots of time outs.  But he sure is cute and always seems sad when he does something wrong.

Tuesday we woke up to it snowing and it didn't stop till the afternoon!  CRAZY, snow in March!
 As beautiful as it is we are all so ready for sunshine and warmer weather.

It started snowing right before school so school was still on.  Which is good cause Blitz, the Seahawks, mascot was coming to school.  He came to party with the kids that sold a certain amount at the last fundraiser.  I got to go help out.
So much fun!  Blitz is pretty funny.

That night the school had a science night.
Great event.  We love science activities!

Most of the week was the same... preschool and dance.  But we kept extra busy preparing for our wards luau Friday.  
 It turned out great thanks to so many talented ladies helping out.
Another date night with these guys.  I love that they are always willing to have fun with us!

What a night!  I think we should have a dance every week at least once a month ;)

Saturday morning we headed to Portland to give Clifton an early birthday present... going to a Blazer game!
 Grandpa Stanley even got Clifton's name up on the jumbotron.
Great night with family!  And a great game, went into over time and sadly we lost by one, but it had us on our feet.

I can't tell you how happy I was to see Clifton loving it.  I remember loving it growing up and it was fun to watch him love it too.  Hopefully we can go again some day.
My sister in law and niece stayed home with Stanley and McKay for us while we were at the game.  McKay got her nails done by her cousin and didn't feel left out one bit.  A wonderful trip!

On our way home.  I wore everyone out!

Clifton says we are starting a new tradition along with Sunday Bakeday.  He says its Sunday Pie Face day.
Messy but always fun!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Updates on Clifton -
Brought home a big chapter book from the library and is insistent on reading it all.  I thought he'd be defeated but he is working hard.  And he even reads it and tells me what happens.  When did he grow up!?!!?

Updates on McKay -
Loves painting fingernails.  It is a weekly thing now.  And she wants EVERY color.

Updates on Stanley -
Sings with me and its my absolute favorite thing.  Every night he asks to sing "You are my Sunshine."

Monday we had our little friend come play with us.  
They are such cute friends!  Love them.

Tuesday we woke up to snow!  Oh how I love the snow for many reasons... it brings fun, the beauty of the earth dressed in white, canceled school/work days, etc...  But I am so very ready for spring!
 So beautiful!
 This is what happens when you try to eat snow and it didn't snow a lot, you eat dirt.
 I love our pond and all the memories we are going to make here!
Bubbles, because we have never played with bubbles in the snow.
Preschool this week we celebrated Cat in the Hat's birthday.  And had extra friends join us.
Preschool is a lot of fun and I love doing it with my kids and their friends.

That night Clifton and I went to go celebrate cub scouts at the Blue and Gold banquet at church.
They even let Clifton join in.  Man he is so excited to join scouts and cant wait to be eight.  Hopefully those amazing leaders are still helping with cub scouts.

Wednesday we did FHE so we could have some friends join us.
We talked about making choices and the good or bad consequences from our choices.  Then decorated smily face emoji cookies!  Fun night.

Friday Clifton's school had a pinewood derby.  I got to go help set up and register cars.  I love being with the kids.  all their excitement is contagious and puts me in a good mood.
Clifton had a ton of fun and was so proud of his car, until he came in second to last.  I hate that he is growing up and that losing is hard for him.  It was a rough day of hard lessons for him.  He didn't get into an art class he wanted to but some friends did and he was second to last in the 1st grade division at the derby.  I know that's life and he will learn but boy it made my heart hurt to see him so upset.  Glad he came back around pretty quick!

Saturday we got to spend the day with family.  Our niece Macey went through the temple for the first time and we were so happy to be able to go through with her.  The older cousins watched our kiddos and sounds like they had a blast playing.  Then we all went out to lunch to celebrate.  Family is so wonderful!  
It was such a perfect day!

That night Sounders season officially started!
We are just a little excited for the season!  Yay for more soccer.

Sunday was a rough day at church.  Must have played too hard the day before. 
So we just cuddled and played with Snapchat for most of the afternoon until we all were in a better mood.
Cuddling always puts you in a good mood.  Stanley still needed a little more snuggles :)

Then we played Pie Face.
And baked our cookies!
Good moms let you lick the beaters.  Great moms turn them off first ;)

Fun pictures from the week...
Clifton's drawing skills are improving.

My kettle bell partner.

Our niece has a cute polaroid camera that she took this picture with.  Why are polaroid's so cute and Stanley too.

Early one morning this branch fell from a tree in our front yard.  Scared me to death!  It is huge.