
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Updates on Clifton -
Very much loves our neighborhood.  As soon as he gets home and after he does his chores he heads outside to play till dinner.

Updates on McKay -
Loves the Light the World count down everyday she is excited to see what we are going to do.  I love her excitement.

Updates on Stanley -
Such a weirdo.  He hasn't been eating very well this week, not sure if its the antibiotics or what.  But when he did eat he put grapes on top of his noodles.

Updates on Hazen -
Well his rash got bad over night!  To the doctors we go.

Well another week of cuddling at home.  Hazen had an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin.
But somehow still my happy guy.

We had plans to go through the Gift of Lights at the Texas speedway and figured with us never leaving our car it would be good to do with Hazen.
 Got our jammies on and popped some popcorn.
There was one place to get out but Hazen and Daddy stayed in the car.  We quickly went to check out the race cars.

Alex headed out of town again for work this week and luckily Hazen handled this well.  We felt so bad for him.
 It got worse before it got better.
But thank goodness he was starting to look normal again a couple days later.

Hazen and I needed to get out and about so we decided to go explore more of Trinty Trail and feed the ducks.
This place makes me happy.  There are trees, water and ducks to feed.

Graham cracker houses done!
And of course they got eaten right away.

There was a chance of snow this week and it got me all giddy inside.
No snow but the warm fireplace made it all better.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus came to the kids school.
A fun night eating cookies with them.  McKay was so excited Mrs. Claus was there too.

I got so excited about the possibility of snow this week that I had a fun idea to welcome Dad home from his work trip. Snowball fight!
The kids and I got the house looking like a winter wonderland.  Then waited for Alex to get home.

We had way too much fun with this and made a huge mess but hopefully an even bigger fun memory for the kids.

Friday we ended up back at the doctors.  Hazen still wasn't acting himself and had red dots and things.
We had to take him in to get some test done.  They were worried about his platelets being low.
While at the doctors we discovered Stanley has an ear infection as well.  So antibiotics for him and just praying he doesn't have an allergic reaction!  The test came back that his levels are a little lower but fine.   His hemoglobin levels are pretty low so we need to get some iron in him.  Glad it was nothing serious and something we can fix by upping meat in his diet.

Saturday we explored the Gaylord Resort.  Its like a touch of Las Vegas in Texas.
 Lots to see!  Then we got bundled up and waited in line for way to long to see the ice sculptures.
So cool and SO cold!  It was a little too busy for my liking but it was pretty cool.  Next year we wont go on a Saturday!

That night Alex and I went on our first date since moving to Texas.  Yay to finding an awesome babysitter.
White elephant gift exchange.  It was so nice to be invited and get to know some awesome people around us better.

Sunday we had another sick.  Stanley woke up early throwing up!  Dear goodness I am done with all this sickness.  But after a long day of cuddling he seemed a lot better.  While he napped the older kids and I made these cute reindeers for Alex's work friends.
They turned out pretty cute!  Sunday bakeday.

Light the world this week...

 Nativity art work
Let the mail lady a gift.
I also failed to get pictures of hiding dollars at the store, caroling at the assisted living center with the Harrington's, sent a thinking of you gift to a friend, and love you videos we sent to friends/family.

Other things from the week..
Got the cutest gift in the mail from Trissa!  I love it so much.

More beautiful sunrises.