
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Spelling Bee Champ

Updates on Clifton -
Still working very hard on his spelling bee words.  Any free minute we get he wants me to quiz him on words.  His spelling bee is this Friday.

Updates on McKay -
Still enjoying school and has made a good group of friends!

Updates on Stanley -
I was talking to my friend on the phone and jokingly said that they are coming to visit tomorrow and I guess I need to get the house clean.  Stanley loves their son Brody and overheard that.  I went to put Hazen down for a nap and I came out to this!  I exclaimed "what are you doing?"  He said I am helping clean the house so Brody can come over tomorrow.  I can't be mad at that.  He sure misses his Washington friends.

Updates on Hazen -
Seemed to be getting back to his normal self with the antibiotics.  He then got a cough and seemed extra tired then Sunday night he had a rash that appeared.  It concerned us but decided to wait till the morning to take him in to the doctors.

Alex headed out of town for work for the first time since we moved here!
Hazen and I spent Monday and Tuesday recovering and cuddling. And started feeling like ourselves again Wednesday, just time time for our car to not start (and of course it happens when Alex is out of town)!  Thank heavens we live close enough to the school and that we have really kind and helpful neighbors.
And that we live close enough to walk to a mechanic.  So glad it was a quick and easy fix.  sO we could get out and play that night.
Texas sure knows how to celebrate.  Such a fun free event.  And it ended with fireworks!
And I realized this is the first time my kids have seen a firework show and they were blown away.

Light the World this week.
Christmas cards to missionaries.
 Picking out gifts for children at the homeless shelter.
 Making each others beds.
 Donating toys to the homeless shelter.
 Making cookies for neighbors.
 Paying for the car behind us.
Donating canned food.
My favorite traditions by far.  Serving feels so good!

Friday was the big day! Clifton and I were filled full of nerves.  He handled it well!  Thankful for new friends that offered to take my younger two so I could go cheer him on.

And all his hard work paid off when he won!  Wow I am so proud of him.  He hates pubic speaking (he gets it form me) and rocked it.   I think I was more nervous in the crowd than he was up there on the stage.   Now to start studying for districts!  He will compete again in January against three school districts and has a 4,000 word list to study!

Saturday morning Clifton, McKay and I ran in the school district Reindeer Romp.  So much fun!  Clifton. McKay and I ran the 1 mile together.  Then Clifton and I ran the 5k separately.  My time was decent (slowed down a little since moving here) but Clifton blew me away!  He ran the 5k in 30 minutes.  Pretty soon he will be faster than me.  For now I will enjoy the fact that I am still faster ;)
Such a fun morning and so well attended.  This will be a new tradition for sure!
Not a bad view on our run.

Another fun winter festival.  Games and Christmas parade.
Another fun evening!

Sunday we went to the churches nativity.
Glad there is one close, its another tradition I'd like to keep.

Other things from the week.
 I am officially a teacher again!  I now teach English online in the mornings with VIPkids.

 Cute workout partner.
The sunrises here are beautiful!  My kids say they are like rainbows.

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