
Saturday, April 27, 2019


Updates on Clifton -
Signed up for an after school Robo coding club and really enjoys it.

Updates on McKay -
Signed up for after school Clay club and has a lot of fun making creations.

Updates on Stanley -
Still the same c crazy and silly Stanley we love.  Puts his clothes on backwards 90% of the time, is a goof when I ask him to smile, and often falls asleep in random places.
Like in a basket full of clean laundry.

Updates on Hazen -
LOVES food.  Not baby food, but anything we are eating.
Yummy eggs.

This week we continued to talk about the Holy Week and preparing for Easter.
 Made leavened bread for dinner.
 Made a crown of thorns and replaced the thorns with flowers whenever we performed a sacrifice.  It was a wonderful activity to do all week.  This is one we will be doing every year now.
Dying Easter eggs.  And prepping them for  a Confetti Egg game we are going to try out this year.
Blowing eggs.

We had a couple nice days so we made sure to get outside.
 Hazen loves the slide!
 And I love the sun!
And beautiful flowers.

Tuesday I got to chaperone Cliftons field trip to the Water Festival.
We had fun!

Saturday we got to spend the morning cheering on Quinn at her soccer game!
It was nice spending time with family.

Sunday was Easter.  We spent the morning at church.

 Then headed to Grandma and Grandpa P's for the rest of the day.
 Yummy food.
Easter egg hunting.

Then we played Confetti Egg.  The kid that found the egg with gold (rice crispies) in it won a chocolate egg.
McKay won.  It was a fun game.  I think will keep it up every year!

Other fun from the week...
 My deer friend waiting for me to feed her.

Hazen meet frog, frog meet Hazen.
We love the wildlife we live around.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Updates on Clifton -
This boy loves school and was dressed and ready to head out the door Monday by 7AM.  He was happy Spring break was over.

Updates on McKay -
Wasn't too excited to go back to school.  Which makes me sad, such a different attitude from last year.  But she did have the worlds best teacher last year.  Hopefully we can make it through the last couple months of school with little complaining.

Updates on Stanley -
Cried and cried when we dropped McKay and Clifton off at school.  He enjoyed having them home for spring break.

Updates on Hazen -
Just like that he is crawling like a champ!  AND he gives kisses!  When I leave for a little and come back he welcomes me by grabbing my face and squishing his open mouth on mine.  It kind of feels like he his trying to eat me, but I love it so much.

Monday with just these two guys again.
Enjoying time outside between rain breaks.

We planned to play inside because there is a lot of rain planned for this week.  Discovery Village with our friend Austin.
 My gosh he is cute!
Funny thing is the sun shined the whole time we were there.  Oh well he still have fun!

Wednesday we had fun with friends at an Easter egg hunt party.
Such cuties!

Thursday and Friday we had fun playing at home and even got to get outside for a little.
 Hazen loves the slide.
Giant box for the win!  Entertained the boys and the cat ;)

Friday night our friend Sam and Joe planned a fun glow in the dark Easter egg hunt.
The kids loved it!  And the rain held off just long enough for the kids to find the eggs.

Saturday was a big day!  Shawnte and I ran the Super Spartan.
We both had just had babies and have been trying to get our bodies ready for this race.  I wasn't quite where I wanted to be but it was a lot of fun and A LOT of work!  It was the muddiest race I have ever run.  The whole thing was muddy and hard to run on.  The obstacles were hard and if you didn't complete one you had to do 30 burpees.  Thats where I struggled, so there was A LOT of burpees done.  The races was tied and we actually did better than we thought.  Shawnte came in 6th for her age division and I came in 7th.  Overall we came in 21st and 22nd out of 500 plus.  That ain't too bad!  Now we didn't run with Elite racers but still I am very happy with what we did together.
We will be doing this again.  Spartan has got us hooked!
 The kids made me cute signs while I was away.  This one was Cliftons and I thought it was super cute.  I hope one day my kids will want to do these things with me and that I can keep up.

Sunday Bakeday - Easter basket cookies.
 They turned out pretty cute!

Sunday was also Palm Sunday so we acted out Jesus entering Jerusalem.
And made cute Palm leaves.