
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Last week in Washington

Updates on Clifton -
Had a great soccer season.  He grew a lot and worked really well with his team mates.  It was fun to watch him.

Updates on McKay -
McKay also had a great season.  Such a fun team and great group of girls.  I couldn't have asked for more.

Updates on Stanley -
Finally doing better out on the soccer field.  Less crying when someone take the ball away and starting to really want to play.  Of course now that the seasons over.

Updates on Hazen -
He sure is growing up.  He yells a lot to try and get me to do something he wants.  We are working on teaching him words to use instead but for now lots o little yells at me.  He loves to dance and explore.  He's still my pretty happy go lucky baby.

Monday the kids had no school and we had lots of things to do before moving.  Haircuts for everyone...
Which means suckers for everyone.  Oil change, check and one last workout class with friends, check.
Then corn maze with friends.
A fun afternoon and great weather to go with it.

We took Treasure to th vet to get her cleared to fly with us.  She was quiet scared about it all makes me sad to know she will be so scared on the plane but its just not the same without her.

Everyone had her last soccer game this week.  I didn't get any video of McKay playing because I was too busy coaching but she really did well this year.
I am going to miss coaching so insanely much and the Lil Saints community.  It is such a good thing and full of good people.  I am so thankful for the experience I had to work with Randi and to meet so many people.

How lucky are we thank we have friends who will come out in the cold and rain to support our kids.  I sure am going to miss the White's, they are seriously the best people.

One last get together with the Samsone's before we leave.  They were sweet enough to make us dinner and play some games.  We will miss that cute family so much!
A fun night.

Alex got home late Thursday!  I was able to sneak out for one last lunch with these ladies.
I am going to miss them and our lunch dates very much.

Friday night we had a surprise going away party! It was SO nice.
 Such thoughtful things for us.  I will cherish these things forever!
 My home that I love sooooo much.  Seriously love it.  And it has my deer and a soccer ball.
And the CAKE!  Seriously amazing.  It captures so much of us and our love for Washington.
 The ladies behind all this.  Love each and everyone of them like family.  It is is hard to leave such a great group.  I hope I can start in touch with them all as they all mean so much to me.
This picture makes me so happy, I just love them!
 The mastermind behind the cake.  Shawnte is so creative and such a great friend!
 Love this lady!
So many hugs and goodbyes.  It was a wonderful night.  The kids were pretty thrilled about it as well.

I was super sad to miss the Ladies Turkey bowl so we threw a flag football game together before I left.
And it was awesome!  I am going to miss all the fun people that are willing to get dirty and laugh together.  Wet, muddy, and perfect!

Then we hurried off to the Sounders game.  They made the playoffs and we had to go one last time.
I am going to miss this view right here!  The rain held off and it was one intense game.  Went into overtime but we pulled out the win.

Sunday baked...
Vampire teeth.

Other fun from the week...
We found a big toad in our backyard.  We get lots of little frog but have never seen a toad and not this big!
Then a frog on my bedroom window saying goodnight before I head to bed.  I am sure going to miss the wildlife in my backyard.  Texas wildlife doesn't nearly seem as friendly and cute.

Catching Up!!!!

So Alex took a job offer within his company and moved out to Texas and took the laptop with it.  The kids and I plan to get the house on the market it, sell it, and wait till Lil Saint season is over to move out.

Life has been absolutely insane!  Single momming it, helping run the Soccer season, selling the house, and trying to squeeze in as much friend time as possible before we move.  So here is the important stuff that has happened since last time I blogged.

McKay and Clifton started school.  4th and 2nd and both have great teachers.
Such cuties.  Thank goodness they love school!

Stanley, Hazen and I enjoying one last week of summer.

Stanley started preschool.
I was really nervous he would be a big trouble maker and have a hard time but he got a really good teacher with lots of patience and loves school!

Alex came back for week to finish up work here.
 We had one last date night with the Samsone's.
And one last get together with some of the Stanley clan.

Squeezing in time for friends because its so dang hard rot say goodbye.
 Bowling with the Lewis's.
Put Put with our neighbor friend.
Dinner over the fire with the Kim's
And the Misty watched Hazen and made us dinner one soccer night.
Seriously she is amazing.  Her husband is gone and she is helping me!  I look up to her kind soul so much.

Soccer, soccer, and more soccer.  Three nights a week we go to soccer and not a single kid has complained about how ling we are there.  They all run off and play or have soccer.  I don't know if its because they know we are leaving but they have enjoyed being at soccer even when they don't have soccer themselves.  It'd been great!  And my team has been so much fun.  Such cute girls who have a blast playing together.
Coach Hazen.
One night I accidentally left dinner on the counter, so we used our emergency kits and maybe one homeless pack.  Parenting isn't the prettiest, but hey we were all feed and happy.

Lots of showings we are out of the house a lot.  I sure do love this home and will miss it so much.  So many good things about it.
Of course the day Alex heads back to Texas Stanley decides to hang from the towel rack.  Thank goodness I got it fixed in time for the next showing (may not have been the best job but it's done.  Dang texture spray is hard to do).

Day of service.  Cleaning up Bremerton one last time.
I sure hope my kids learn that no matter our circumstances we have time to serve and give what we can.  Turned out really well, the kids helped and Hazen just hung around while we worked.

Enjoying the fall weather while we still live in a place that has a fall.
And of course that lead to a nice hot bath.

Family activities.
 Wind cars
 Putting on our armor of God.
Learning why a good foundation matters.

And how to knock down walls that divide us.
Decorating Haunted Houses and of course eating them.  I love Halloween decorations cause the uglier the better!

Pumpkin heads.  Alex was home for this one.  I love traditions!

My mom came up and watched the kids while I went to Texas for my first time to house hunt.  We spent most of the day looking at houses Friday and found one we really like and want to make an offer on,  Then that evening we went out on the town to explore.
 Stockyards (although we missed the cattle walking through).
 Billy Bob's.  We played pool and danced the night away to a live band under a saddle disco.  I love this place!
Another day of house hunting but nothing compares to the house we liked yesterday so we will make an offer on it.  While in Texas we got an offer on our house so we are waiting for that to go through before we make an offer in the house in Texas.  After house hunting we did more exploring.
 Fort Worth Water Gardens
 Dallas temple
Scootered around Dallas over and under bridges.

Since Alex is in Texas a good friend and McKay's primary teacher took her to the father daughter dance.
 They matched and everything!
She had a blast and he made her night.  People like him are hard to find!

Spending time with my favorites before I move...
 Raquetball with Randi... she's good!  Me, well I am fun.
 Trying new things with Trissa.  It wasn't my favorite class but she's my favorite and it was a lot of fun to give it a try.
Although the pole beat me up pretty good.
 Baby shower for Kiersten.

 Birthday celebrations for Shawnte.
Lunch date with Jessica.
I don't know how Misty missed all the selfies but we spent a lot of time together too including a nice temple trip.

Lots of Sunday bakedays.

Alex came home for General conference weekend, the kids hadn't seen him for a whole month.
It felt sooooo good to be together again.
He came home so I could go on Clifton's field trip with him.
It was a long and wonderful day.  We left at 6:30 and got home at 7.  Clifton had a blast and I greatly enjoyed the scenery.

We enjoyed General Conference together.  Conference half time we enjoyed the driving range.

 The kids loved having Daddy home.
 And so did I.  I even got to shower alone!
But just like that he had to head back to Texas.

We decided to make one more trip down to Portland before we move. So we headed to th Pumpkin patch with the Stanley's.

The next day we walked with them in remembrance of Tom my sister in laws father.
It was a nice morning and I am glad we could come down and be a part of it.

Then we got lunch with Grandma and Grandpa on our way back home.

Other fun from the past weeks...
My personal trainer must sit on me anytime my workout takes me to the floor.

Preschool pictures.
Thankful for so many friends that helped!
Silly boy.
Best costume find ever!
AN Hazen loves all his siblings but its pretty obvious he loves Clifton a lot.  And the feeling is mutual.
And Hazen is learning to dribble at the same time he is learning to walk.  Love it!