
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Last week in Washington

Updates on Clifton -
Had a great soccer season.  He grew a lot and worked really well with his team mates.  It was fun to watch him.

Updates on McKay -
McKay also had a great season.  Such a fun team and great group of girls.  I couldn't have asked for more.

Updates on Stanley -
Finally doing better out on the soccer field.  Less crying when someone take the ball away and starting to really want to play.  Of course now that the seasons over.

Updates on Hazen -
He sure is growing up.  He yells a lot to try and get me to do something he wants.  We are working on teaching him words to use instead but for now lots o little yells at me.  He loves to dance and explore.  He's still my pretty happy go lucky baby.

Monday the kids had no school and we had lots of things to do before moving.  Haircuts for everyone...
Which means suckers for everyone.  Oil change, check and one last workout class with friends, check.
Then corn maze with friends.
A fun afternoon and great weather to go with it.

We took Treasure to th vet to get her cleared to fly with us.  She was quiet scared about it all makes me sad to know she will be so scared on the plane but its just not the same without her.

Everyone had her last soccer game this week.  I didn't get any video of McKay playing because I was too busy coaching but she really did well this year.
I am going to miss coaching so insanely much and the Lil Saints community.  It is such a good thing and full of good people.  I am so thankful for the experience I had to work with Randi and to meet so many people.

How lucky are we thank we have friends who will come out in the cold and rain to support our kids.  I sure am going to miss the White's, they are seriously the best people.

One last get together with the Samsone's before we leave.  They were sweet enough to make us dinner and play some games.  We will miss that cute family so much!
A fun night.

Alex got home late Thursday!  I was able to sneak out for one last lunch with these ladies.
I am going to miss them and our lunch dates very much.

Friday night we had a surprise going away party! It was SO nice.
 Such thoughtful things for us.  I will cherish these things forever!
 My home that I love sooooo much.  Seriously love it.  And it has my deer and a soccer ball.
And the CAKE!  Seriously amazing.  It captures so much of us and our love for Washington.
 The ladies behind all this.  Love each and everyone of them like family.  It is is hard to leave such a great group.  I hope I can start in touch with them all as they all mean so much to me.
This picture makes me so happy, I just love them!
 The mastermind behind the cake.  Shawnte is so creative and such a great friend!
 Love this lady!
So many hugs and goodbyes.  It was a wonderful night.  The kids were pretty thrilled about it as well.

I was super sad to miss the Ladies Turkey bowl so we threw a flag football game together before I left.
And it was awesome!  I am going to miss all the fun people that are willing to get dirty and laugh together.  Wet, muddy, and perfect!

Then we hurried off to the Sounders game.  They made the playoffs and we had to go one last time.
I am going to miss this view right here!  The rain held off and it was one intense game.  Went into overtime but we pulled out the win.

Sunday baked...
Vampire teeth.

Other fun from the week...
We found a big toad in our backyard.  We get lots of little frog but have never seen a toad and not this big!
Then a frog on my bedroom window saying goodnight before I head to bed.  I am sure going to miss the wildlife in my backyard.  Texas wildlife doesn't nearly seem as friendly and cute.

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