
Thursday, May 7, 2020

13th Anniversary

Our anniversary was Monday!  Not how we planned on celebrating but it was a good day.  Alex asked for the day off so he could help with school and stuff.  He did sneak out and surprise me with succulents!  I've been wanting some since we moved here.
While Alex had to attend one meeting for work Clifton and McKay wanted to help get ready for our anniversary celebration.  McKay decorated and Clifton made a giant brownie ice cream sandwich.
 We picked up PF Changs and ate dinner alone!  Clifton and McKay helped keep the younger kiddos upstairs so we could be alone.  We actually got a whole hour!!!
I sure love this man and feel pretty lucky that we get to live this life together and have forever together.  We ended the day with the kids hosting the Not So Newly Wed game.  A great day!

Clifton and McKay seem to finally get the hang of that is required of them and I can spend more of school time helping Stanley and Hazen.
 Sticker fun.
Stanley has the hardest time focusing and having any motivation to complete anything he starts.  We often but heads and I feel lost trying to work with him.  We had very hard moments this week but we also had some good ones.  I am pretty sure the Lord is trying to teach me to learn how to work with him and to be more patient.  No better way than forcing more time with him.

PE this week...
 Exploring a new hiking/walking spot.
 But then spotting a water mocassin!
 The kids PE teacher posted a fun workout chutes and ladder game.  We had fun playing it but Clifton suggested we make our own workouts.  I stepped it up and made a life size one.
More water fun!
 My cute little tanning buddy!
Another new walking/hiking trail.  So beautiful!

Made some catching toys out of recycling.  Then tried to catch ping png balls all afternoon.  Some of us did better than others, haha.

Art this week...
Making and flying kites.

Making parachutes so they land safely.
Drawing chalk on our trampoline and working on cursive.
 Water painting.

Friday Alex worked on my car for my Mother's day gift.  The slide doors haven't been working for abut a year now.
I hate to say it but I did not have faith that he could fix it.  I should have!  He fixed it and it didn't take him nearly as long as I  had thought.  Now I don't have to open/close doors anymore!!!  Best Mother's Day gift ever, the gift of me doing less.

I thought Hazen had an infection on his skin and he had a low grade fever.  I called the doctors and tried to do a virtual appointment, but they wanted to see him.
So we went in, or should I say drove in.  Yep they saw us from our car in full get up.  Craziness!  Hazen's fine!  No infection and they think its just teething (molars) that caused the fever.

Saturday I was so excited to have a day full of adventures planned.  A few things opened back up in Texas, restaurants, malls, theaters (25% capacity only).  I'm not sure I am ready to jump in there but it has got me feeling very hopeful.  The donut shop around the corner has opened back up so I did sneak out and got breakfast for everyone.  My family was shocked by my gesture, ha!  Not something I do very often, but wanted to support that cute shop and I was feeling excited.

Donut happy dance.

Then we headed to Glen Rose.  We planned on going to Dinosaur Valley State Park, but once we got there to was full.  But luckily Dinosaur World right next to it was open.  It was an outdoor adventure and all hands on stuff was closed which made for cheaper entrance fees.  So we gave it a try and LOVED it!
A mile walk with life-size dinosaurs.  We had the place to ourselves too.  Never saw anyone else.

And since we were out here we gave Big Rock Park a quick visit.  
We weren't prepared to swim but we will definitely be back to play here!  So much fun getting back to exploring.

Sunday was another good day full of church at home and family video calls.  And of course Sunday bakeday!
Hostest Cookies, yum!

Other things from the week...
Finally seeing the green sky before a storm.  We got lucky and didn't get the worst of it but enjoyed watching the storm from afar.
McKay got a surprise visit from her teacher.  She could hold bak her excitement and gave her a giant hug.  So sweet of her to take time to visit for a quick minute.
When you have a video conference call at work but didn't get dressed.  What a crazy world we live in right now.
 This guy has been waking up with the sunshine which means extra cuddle time just the two of us.
Stanley's preschool Zoom.  Ya he didn't last long but it was cute while he sat and listened.

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