
Thursday, September 3, 2020

First Full Week of School and Surgery


Updates on Clifton -

He is doing great with school online.  Every now and then he will come ask me for help with things he can do himself but we just have to remind him if he was at school he'd have to do it without us.  We will help when he really needs it but he needs to sue his brain.

Updates on McKay -

Is rocking online schooling.  This might be here thing.  She loves having a set schedule, sticks to it well and we don't need to remind her or get her going.  Very self motivated to do well.  

Updates on Stanley -

School is not going as well for him.  We knew in person school was going to be a hard adjustment, so online is even harder.  He hates it.  We have been kind of concerned about Stanley and his actions lately and set up an appointment to see a psychiatrist.  She was very helpful and agrees that he has ADHD tendencies and seems to have a mind of his own.  She wants the teacher to observe him for a month and we will move forward from there, if there is any treatment.  We are going to set up therapy to try and help him with his anger and emotions.  Hopefully that will help.  He is such a fun and awesome boy.  Full of energy but he hates focusing and listening.  He loathes writing or coloring and his fine motor skill are lacking significantly.  He is so full of anger and is always hitting, siblings, us, teachers, other kids.  Stanley needs 100% of our focus so he doesn't hurt himself or someone else.  Online Schoo has been the same way.  We pretty much need to sit in the room or right by the door to make sure he stays on task and not doing something inappropriate.  Like come out of the bathroom with no pants on, which has already happened.

Updates on Hazen -

He is getting to be very demanding.  He knows what he wants and he will find a way to get it.  He is still communicating with sound effects but he is very good at letting you know what he wants/needs.  He will click his tongue like he is chewing and that means he wants gum. Bibop is robots and he loves robots.  He loves to say yep.  Starting to put him in short time outs because he has started hitting.  Oh the terrible twos!  But he seriously is so much fun and cute.  He kind of has it hard right now because I am trying to be a teacher to three kids and play with him.

School was hard this week.  Monday Zoom had a nationwide outage to kick the week off.  Not a great start to Monday.  But by the afternoon it was up and running again.  They are on Zoom all day!

We do whatever we can to get Stanley to participate.
So if that means he watches upside down from his chair than we let it slide.
But most days end up in tears.  I can tell he is trying and the teacher is doing everything she can, we will get through this!
Trying to keep Hazen entertained while they do school is hard too.  If I set up an activity Stanley wants to join if I don't Hazen wants to join Stanley and that leads to fighting.
Hazen often sneaks away to bug Dad while I am trying to help with school.  He thinks he is the boss!

After school we have a ton of energy we need to get out.  So we hit up the pool almost everyday.
Tough life!
And we make sure to reward ourselves for all the hard work.

Friday I had surgery.  
So thankful for Alex taking over and letting me rest and friends who sent me some yummy recovery gifts.

Sunday Alex took over bakeday and did fun pancakes for dinner.  The kids made nerds, pb/chocolate chips, coconut, and cinnamon sugar pancakes.  Yum!
He is such a good Dad!  So happy he continued to do our Sunday Bakeday tradition even though I wasn't feeling up to helping.

Hazen loves to climb behind me in my chair and eat dinner from there every night!  What a goof ball.

McKay wanted to help make me feel better so she did my makeup, hair and massaged my feet and hands.  Such a sweetie!
Don't I look pretty ;)

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