
Saturday, August 29, 2020

School starts!

This is the last few days before school starts again.  Our family was really nervous about Texas heat, but we have been loving it.  We spend almost everyday in the water having a blast.  I don't want summer to end!

It's been so fun to  spend all day by the pool and with friends.
We also busted out some of our water toys and played with friends before our schedule gets full of school stuff.

Another activity we have been enjoying is face/body painting each other and then jumping in the sprinkler to rinse it all.
I like this activity cause I think it feels good when they draw on me and they are heaven cause they get to draw on me.

We are trying our best to get excited for the year.  We aren't loving the idea of online but they are hoping to be back in person Sept 14th.  To keep our spirits up and get through the next few weeks we did all we could to be excited.
A new incentive program for the kiddos.
Meet you teacher drive thru.

Stanley cute teacher.  I like her already, she is full of energy and fun.

Then we had our annual back to school fashion show.  We know we are going in person yet but the kids asked about doing this tradition and I love traditions.  This one helps us get excited.
It was such a fun night.  I am glad we didn't just pass this tradition cause the school year isn't looking like we'd like it to be.  It lifted our spirits for sure.

And just like that Summer break is over.  
Clifton is in 5th grade.
McKay is in 3rd.
And Stanley is starting kindergarten.. The first and only year these three will be in the same school.  I sure hope we can go in person.
Stanley did better than I expected today.  I was a long day and a lot of Zoom time but he tried to participate.
We have decided Captain Cuddls is now Clifton's service cat ;)
Of course Hazen wanted to join in with his siblings.
We are thankful for all the teachers and staff trying their hardest to make it a great year.

It has been cooling down in the evening  so we have been taking walks and seeing quite a few animals.
Like this bad guy.  He was a big a dollar coin and his eyes glow when we took a picture.  CREEPY!
A cute lizard, not nearly as creepy.
And a giant moth.  I was too chicken to put my hand next to it so its even bigger in real person.
We have also been seeing a lot beautiful sunsets.

We ended Friday with homemade pizza and a movie.

Sunday bakeday we made cinnamon pizza.

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