
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Christmas 2021

 Updates on Clifton -

Working so hard on the 4,000 district spelling bee words.  Every night we sit down and go over words.  I enjoy this time we take together.  He is very smart and a hard worker and maybe I will learn a few things as well.

Updates on McKay-

McKay turned 9!  Can't believe how big and mature she is getting.  She is such a joy and I enjoy watching her grow.

Updates on Stanley -

Sleep is not going well for him.  Up late at night and struggling to get him to stay in his bed, usually up toll 10-11 at night.  Then up at the crack of dawn, 5-6 in the morning.  And his emotions are still through the roof, so sensitives and tends to make up reasons why he's in trouble or made at someone.  I think his medication is affecting his sleep which is affect his mood.  

Updates on Hazen -

Talks so much and repeats anything said.  It is so dang cute how much he can talk in his little voice.  And it's so nice that he can communicate the things he wants, unless it's something he should have ;).  He is still working on putting together sentences and it's cute how he strings them together.

Alex took the few days before Christmas off and we enjoyed playing together as a family.  Monday we played at Dream Park and enjoyed the warm weather.

Then came home and played games virtually with Uncle Justin and Aunt Mechelle's family.  
Fun night.  I love that 2020 has made us get creative and play with family far away.

Tuesday we tried to find ice blocks but struck out apparently that's a PNW thing, so we unboxed Christmas presents and slide down the hill on boxes.  Texas sledding as we know call it!
Our friends joined us which made it even better!
We had to feed the ducks while we were there too.

So much fun, might just be a new tradition! Although I think I prefer ice blocks.

The next night we headed over to Whoville to see the lights.  Cute neighborhood that decks out each year.  
Long wait but fun.

Christmas Eve we had a talent show then opened Christmas jammies and watched a new movie together.
Before going to bed we left out milk and a cookie for Santa, only the best cookies for Santa (Crumbl Cookie).
McKay and Clifton made the trays this year.

We had a fun, laid back day enjoying our new toys.

We made sure to celebrate McKay on her big day as well.

The next day we got some energy out at the trampoline park.
Then we headed over to play with friends in the church parking lot.  Drove Cliftons new hoover board and scooters and played with Nerf guns.  We feel so blessed to have good friends to play with.  

Sunday was a pretty chill day.  We made my whole wheat protein rolls and just hung out.
Silly boys took over my phone!

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