
Thursday, January 7, 2021

New Year and Stanley turns 6

 Updates on Clifton -

We are half way through the words for his spelling bee and they are getting really hard.  I have to look up pronunciation for most words.  He his feeling defeated but I'm hopping he keeps trying his best and gives it his all at the spelling bee. 

Updates on McKay -

Has been pretty sad that she can't do a cartwheel like most of the people in her gymnastic class including Stanley.  She has been working on it daily and almost there.  She gets in her head so much, that's really what's holding her back.

Updates on Stanley -

Turned 6!  He was thrilled to get more presents and to celebrate him.  

He’s the kid that never listen’s the first, second or even tenth time.
He doesn’t walk in orderly fashion.
You can hear him from a block away.
He will stop mid run/task if something catches his eye.
He has a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
He’s the one who makes all the loud noises until someone yells at him to stop.
He’s the kids you ask to get shoes on and comes back with food for you to open.
He tries every ounce of my patience.
His heart break cause he doesn’t know what is so wrong about what he’s doing.
Time has no meaning.
He loves to cuddle and makes sure to get a hug and kiss from everyone before bed each night.
He loves fiercely
Has the best excitement about the simplest things.
He loves to make you smile.
Has the best belly laugh there is.
He will become instant friends with anyone.
He is deeply passionate.
He will play any game you want as long as he can play with you.
He lights up a room with his goofy smile.
Has the best imagination.He is so many things. He is just himself! Although he has struggles, he has SO many gifts. And we love him just the way he is.

Updates on Hazen -

His talking is so dang cute.  Some times we can't understand what he is saying but he is doing so well and putting words together.  He repeats everything he hears, everything!

This week was pretty laid back.  On Tuesday we did go to Epic indoor water park to celebrate McKay and Stanley's birthdays.

It was pretty empty which was great!  We had so much fun playing.

New Years eve we decided to have a couple friends come over.  We see them all time and they had no symptoms so wanted to bring in the New Year with friends.
Cute donuts to decorate.
McKay made posters
We played minute to win it games with the kids then turned on a movie for them while the adults played some games.
Then we made little count down and balloon drop for the kids

A super fun evening and we feel very blessed we have good friends to ring in the new year with.

The new year we decided to start out playing together as a family.
Arcade and bowling fun.

Stanley's birthday we baked him a Pokemon cake with a surprise inside.
He loved it!  His reaction is worth everything.

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