
Friday, February 11, 2022

More regular happenings.  I teach now my dance class 4 days a week so when I am not teaching I am playing with this guy.
He loves going to the pet store.

Got new ball pit balls for a church activity.  Hazen had to test them out.

Helping me make wheat bread.

Saturday thanks to wonderful friends we moved this playlet from a neighbors house to ours.  Its pretty old but we couldn't pass up a free play set.  

Saturday we get to watch Stanley play basketball.  He enjoys it but its hard for me to watch.  He has a hard time focusing enough to keep up.  We have a friend coming and playing with him once a week to try and help, and it paid off this week.  He hustled hard and even got a shot up!  Didn't make it but proud of his effort and trying to focus.

 That night we choose another activity out of the adventure book.  Roulegg!

Sunday's are SO long now that we have church at 8:30.  So we need to find activities to keep kiddos entertained and not fighting with each other.  I had extra gum drops form a lesson I taught at church so I put them to work making gum drop structures.  Sunday bakeday!

Silliness from eh week.  Hazen was trying to explain what he wanted to eat for lunch.  HAHA 

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