
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Continuing our kindness countdown...

Secret acts of kindness to family members.  Also random act of kindness at school/work.
Cards and treats for assisted living center.  The flu numbers are high right now so they asked us to not pass them out this year.  Sad we couldn't but happy to still make something for them.
Chalk friends drive way.
Thank you notes to friends.
Valentines for grandparents.

All week I have been working on the Super Bowl/ Usher dance party at the gym.

So much fun!  Great turn out and everyone brought some food to share after class.  Love my gym community!

For the last few months I have been working with these girls for Destination Imagination - Improv challenge.  Saturday was finally the big day.

We didn't place but the girls did amazing.  Managing this team was totally out of my comfort zone and very new for me.  Not sure I'll coach again but I always appreciate extra time with my girl.

Then off to volleyball...

McKay's team is getting some volleys!  So fun to watch them improve.  Stanleys still having lots of fun as well.

Sunday - Super Bowl day.

Another year another cat pick...

Another fun week!

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