
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Lots of thin gs going on with Stanley... H his now on an IEP.  He has dyslexia and dysgraphia and that with his ADHD qualifies him for extra help.  It was emotional to have the IEP meeting but so very much needed and have seen huge improvements from being pulled out each day to get one on one help.  Very hopeful for him.  However home life isn't going great.  His continuing to scratch like crazy.  Any scab  he will scratch and never let it heal.  And he scratches at his head till its bleeding.  We can ask him to stop but he will go right back to it 10 seconds later.  He continues to scream and yell, fight and not listen.  He is peeing his pants just a little and he keeps getting yeast infections and we can't keep it clean.  It's been a battle after a battle with him and very very hard for us to parent.  WE LOVE him so much but really struggling with how to parent Stanley.  We have been looking into behavioral therapy but it sounds like he needs an autistic diagnosis to get that.  The psychiatrist suggest upping his meds and even putting him on anxiety medicine.  BUT I don't just want to throw more drugs at it.  Lots of prayers of patience and guidance for now.  Hopeful his doctors about in a couple months will help get some insights.

McKay made Honor Choir at school

SO SO SO proud of her and just love watching her grow.

Date night to go cheer on a couple of Alex seminary students on at their school play.  Got there and realized I put on my slippers not shoes. OOOPS!

I had a good laugh.

Friday movie night.  The new Wish Disney movie.  We made some yummy air fried Stars 

Love time with these crazies.

Second week of volleyball and already have improved!  Both got serves her the net.
McKay even got two serves overhand over!  This has been fun!  I can't wait to see more improvement.

Saturday night family time.  Glow in the dark body art.  Adventure Challenge family edition.

Half of the kids didn't want to do it but at the end they all loved it and have asked to do it again since that night.  Silly kids don't you remember mom is fun!

Funny things from this week...

Asked Clifton to try one of the bad garlic and extra salt chocolate chip cookies I made to make sure they actually taste bad.  I was busy putting the littles to bed so he videoed his reaction and I am so happy he did.  We all got a good laugh out of it.

Went for a run and got this text form Clifton after.  What a twerp ;)

Had conversation with McKay about kissing.  I needed to record it for when she gets old enough and is kissing :)

Love that girl.

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