
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Brownsville Appreciation Day

Updates on Clifton-
New words this week - bubbles
Clifton is starting to talk a lot of gibberish lately.  He will say words he knows with others we cannot quite sound out.  He is trying real hard to have a conversation.  We think it is super cute!

So just another regular week.  Clifton's little friend brought over a little blow up bounce house.  Clifton liked it for a little.  He wanted me to get in real bad.  I squeezed myself in but could not really move after that.  So he lost interest playing by himself.  I guess he would rather jump on his bed!

Saturday we went down to Brownsville for their day of appreciation celebration.  It was fun.  They had a car show and Clifton loved looking at the cars and so did Alex.  I was amazed at the 100 year old electric car they had there.  I was just surprised that they had electric cars 100 years ago and it took us this long to start coming out with them.  Interesting!

We also got to go on a hay ride. A tractor was pulling it and Clifton screamed when we had to get off.  He sure loves his tractors!

They also had little vendors and games for kids.  Clifton found a lady who was making huge bubbles.  He was having a ton of fun chasing the big bubbles and watching them pop.

Just a funny little story -
Sunday Clifton showed interest in the sacrament being passed around.  So we gave him a piece of bread when it came to us.  Then the water came around and we gave him the little cup and he drank the water.  After drinking the small amount of water from the little cup he let out a huge refreshing sigh AHHHHH....  It was so funny!  He sure keeps us laughing.

I am 27 weeks along and had a regular doctors appointment.  I had to take the gestational diabetes test - YUCK!  I have not yet heard back.  Everything seems to be going well.  I am actually satisfied with how much weight I have gained so far and I am measuring small (as I did with Clifton).  The doctor did make a discovering that answered some questions I had.  When I laid back to have him measure me and listen to the heart beat he poked at my belly and said I had a hernia.  He explained that it is an umbilical hernia which means I have a hole/defect in my abdominal wall (which I was born with).  Most of the time it goes unnoticed, unless there is excess weight gain or pregnancy.  He said that it has opened a little more and my insides are poking out of it.  GROSS -  I know!  The worst part is he kept poking at it and pushing the stuff back in and then watching it pop out again.  I was really disgusted and felt like a freak with a hole in me.  Anyway it is really no big deal it will probably require surgery in the future.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Big boy bed

Updates on Clifton -
He has three new words this week!  Car, boat, (now we are working on not calling everything a tractor) and football (which makes Alex happy to hear him ask for football).

 So major nesting... we bought Clifton a twin bed for him to move to when baby gets here.  We also went out and got all his bedding.  I would love to make the transition before the baby gets here but I am afraid he is still too young.  I have tried once to get him to nap in it but he jumped right up and screamed as soon as I shut the door.  I tried to lay with him but he just kept smiling and playing with my face.  So we will try again.  However I think it is good to have it in there and have him get used to it.  Also I am trying to talk it up so he will get excited for sleeping in it.

When we first got it Alex was a great example and showed him how to jump on it.  So for the next couple days that was my biggest challenge of teaching him it is not a trampoline.

But now he loves to lay/cuddle on it.  He also loves to lay and read books on it.

On Saturday we joined many others in the day of service and helped clean up Bremerton.  It was rainy and cold, but good to get out and help the community.  Clifton was ready to help!  We were only able to stay a few hours because Clifton was getting wet and tired but it was a good experience.

Sunday Clifton turned the BIG 18 months!  He is officially in nursery!  He has been in before but it is now official.  The transition to nursery was pretty easy.  He enjoys being with other kids and playing with toys so he does not mind too much that mom and dad are not there.  However he is a little more grumpy on Sundays due to little or no nap-time, but he is a big boy and stays in there.  I know he is still my little boy but he is sure growing up real fast.

I am 26 weeks pregnant and still doing well!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Keeping busy...

Well I am already nesting and going insane.  I am sure that I am driving Alex insane as well.  We moved all of our office stuff out of the babies room and then it felt empty.  So we filled it with toys for Clifton. But now I am ready to move baby stuff in there and hopefully paint soon.

Updates on Clifton-
Words he says: tractor, hi, bye, mama, dada, shoes, puppy, bug, hot, turtle, cracker, grandma, grandpa, banana, baby, and wow. New words he has said these week - apple. Now they are not perfect English but we know what he is saying.
His motor skills are continuing to impress us.  He pushes his little bike around and knows how to steer it.  Believe it or not he is running even faster (and it is not just because I am slowing down).

To keep us cool in the hot September heat we washed our cars.  Clifton sure enjoyed helping and spraying Dad.

We also went down to Zions camp on Saturday with the ward.  We were too chicken to camp out with Clifton, because I am sure he would not sleep.  But we had lots of fun exploring and wondering the woods.  It was my first time going there and I think we will have to take advantage of it more next summer.

We walked the trails around our home on Sunday evening and Clifton enjoyed running around.  On our walk we came across a little deer family.  The mom and two babies.  Clifton kept growling at them but he really thought they were cool. I sure enjoy living in a place where we can see the beautiful nature God has given us.

 We are always being amused by Clifton and his fun personality.  He sure does keep us entertained!

I am 25 weeks along and still feeling pretty good.  Starting to slow down but really I cannot complain.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

End of August/Beginning of September

So yesterday we officially started the Peterson family blog.  I have to admit I am really new and unsure how to go about this, but sure I will learn.

I am planning on keeping it like a journal.  So to let you know what the Peterson's are up to.

So here is what we did this week:
 Clifton and I went to the free air/car show at Bremerton airport.  Clifton loved it.  We watched airplanes go up, got to sit in helicopters, and look at cool cars.
Clifton of course called everything a "tractor"!

We also took Clifton to the zoo.  We had lots of fun looking and watching the different animals.  He really enjoyed the fish and shark tanks.  But he enjoyed the fountains most of all!
We also adventured out to Long Lake to cool off in the water!  Clifton is our little water baby!
Besides that we played outside with our cat Dufur and enjoyed the summer weather!

Alex had his fantasy draft and is not too happy with his players but excited for another season.  We are all excited for the season and to enjoy some football watching together as a family.

Well that is our first blog post!  Keep an eye out every Tuesday!

Monday, September 5, 2011