
Friday, September 9, 2011

Keeping busy...

Well I am already nesting and going insane.  I am sure that I am driving Alex insane as well.  We moved all of our office stuff out of the babies room and then it felt empty.  So we filled it with toys for Clifton. But now I am ready to move baby stuff in there and hopefully paint soon.

Updates on Clifton-
Words he says: tractor, hi, bye, mama, dada, shoes, puppy, bug, hot, turtle, cracker, grandma, grandpa, banana, baby, and wow. New words he has said these week - apple. Now they are not perfect English but we know what he is saying.
His motor skills are continuing to impress us.  He pushes his little bike around and knows how to steer it.  Believe it or not he is running even faster (and it is not just because I am slowing down).

To keep us cool in the hot September heat we washed our cars.  Clifton sure enjoyed helping and spraying Dad.

We also went down to Zions camp on Saturday with the ward.  We were too chicken to camp out with Clifton, because I am sure he would not sleep.  But we had lots of fun exploring and wondering the woods.  It was my first time going there and I think we will have to take advantage of it more next summer.

We walked the trails around our home on Sunday evening and Clifton enjoyed running around.  On our walk we came across a little deer family.  The mom and two babies.  Clifton kept growling at them but he really thought they were cool. I sure enjoy living in a place where we can see the beautiful nature God has given us.

 We are always being amused by Clifton and his fun personality.  He sure does keep us entertained!

I am 25 weeks along and still feeling pretty good.  Starting to slow down but really I cannot complain.


  1. You are a cute pregnant lady. Although you are only 7 weeks ahead of me, I'm still kind of jealous! =)

    Looks like you've been having fun!

  2. You are so cute pregnant. Cute dress too. Clifton is getting so big. Abs is talking a lot too. Wish we could get together and catch up.
