
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Taking it easy...

Updates on Clifton -
New words - Horsey and Santa
He is continuing to do well in his big boy bed!  Some days better then others but a lot better then I was expecting. Clifton's new obsession is Cars the movie. Anything that has to do with McQueen or Mater he goes crazy. He also begs to watch Cars all day long. He has also started to like The Lion King. Which is okay with us; we like both of those:)

This week for FHE we decorated little figurines that Alex's sister got us.  Clifton loves them and loves to play with them.

This is how they turned out.  Alex did the Santa (we only had two colors so Santa now has a black suit, but after a while of trying to color him all in Alex gave up), I am the snowman (or snow woman), and Clifton picked stickers out for the reindeer.  It was a fun activity!

The rest of the week was really laid back.  I have been pretty tired and swollen so nothing special.  Alex's mom came up for a few days and helped.  Which was so nice to have someone to keep the boys entertained and to have company.  She was a lot of help and I greatly appreciate her.

Saturday we did get out.  Our ward had a little kids Christmas party.

I was blown away with Clifton.  He actually sat on Santa's lap!!!!!!!!!  Santa had a "treat" so that could have helped but I could not believe he was not scared or the fact that he sat still long enough for us to take pictures.

After visiting with Santa Clifton and Daddy decorated a cookie!  It was a fun ward activity.
38 weeks pregnant!  Oh just a little longer and we can find out whether Baby Peterson is a boy or a girl!  I am ready to not be pregnant anymore.  Not sure if I am ready for a newborn, but ready to claim my body back:)  At this weeks doctors visit my blood pressure went down to its normal range so it is looking pretty good. 

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