
Monday, December 5, 2011

Cookie Exchange

Updates on Clifton
New words - run and peas
Clifton is sleeping in his big boy bed.  He was the one who decided he was ready for the transition.  We were not expecting to change until after baby.  He started refusing to sleep in his crib and the only place we could get him to sleep was his bed.  Some nights are better then others but he is doing really well.  After a week of doing well in his bed we moved the crib into the baby's room and the train table into his bedroom.  His room looks like a big boy room and I cannot believe he is getting so big and will be a big brother soon.

 Clifton helping Daddy take his crib down to move it into the baby's room.

 What a cute little helper!

This week for FHE we decorated the house/tree for Christmas.  I loved it!  We played Christmas music and enjoyed each other while decorating.

 Here is our tree!

Clifton really enjoyed hanging ornaments.  And he actually leaves them alone, it is our cat that tries to play with them.

The rest of the week was pretty casual.  I have been taking it a lot slower.

I did attempt to do a little craft thing I found on Pinterest.  I am not in love with it and it does not look nearly as good as the one on Pinterest but it turned out okay.  It is a Christmas tree made out of a tomato cage and lights.

Saturday I put together a cookie exchange party.  I had a lot of fun getting together talking and eating cookies!

Here is one of the beautiful platters I made with the cookies from the exchange.

That day Port Orchard was having their Christmas celebration.  We missed out on the afternoon activities but got out that night and enjoyed a hay ride and a stroll down Bay street. 
 On the hay ride.  Clifton loved seeing the TRACTOR!

 Alex's sister and her family came down for the cookie exchange and spent a little time with us afterwards. 

 An old fashion fire truck!

By the huge Port Orchard Christmas tree.

Sunday we had only an hour of church because they had a nativity thing going on.  We thought we would go look around at the nativities Sunday afternoon.  It was fun seeing all the different kinds of nativities.  They had a little kids room full of nativities that they could look at and not break.  So we spent more time in there:)

 I really want to get a magnet nativity to put on our refrigerator.  I thought it was cute and so did Clifton!

 Clifton wanted to put together the nativity puzzle.

Clifton and I in front of a beautiful Christmas tree they had decorated.  It was my favorite tree.

Later that night we heard sirens and of course we were curious as to what it was.  It was right on our corner so we went out to make sure everything was okay.  Come to find out Santa had come to visit and hand out candy canes!  Clifton loved that Santa came on fire TRUCKS!!!!  It was a nice way to end the evening.  I love our town:)

Alex started working his over time.  It has been hard for both of us but it is real good for us as well.  I am real tired and Alex feels bad for not being able to help as much.  But we are both surviving.  I am so proud of Alex and all the hard work he puts into his career.  He has been doing a lot of overtime and working like crazy.  The best part is that his company recognizes him for it.  This last we week Alex got a bonus!  Perfect timing (Christmas and soon baby's arrival). 

37 weeks.  Hospital bags are packed and we are ready for baby's arrival any day now!  So the waiting game.  Things are still going well.  My blood pressure is going up but still at a comfortable level that they are not too worried.  As long as it does not get too high I will wait to go into labor to have the baby.  I am ready to not be pregnant but also know that it is not any easier after baby arrives.  But we are excited to welcome our new little addition and to find out if it is a boy or a girl! 

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