
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Updates on Clifton -
New words - salad and run
Well Clifton is going through a phase that I am not too found about.  He is real clingy.  He will not let anyone hold him except for Alex and I.  Even if he knows and is comfortable with them.  He hates going places, he acts scared of anywhere we go even if he has been to the place many times. Temper tantrums are full blown around here too.  Hopefully this phase will pass soon and we can get him into nursery.  The way he is acting reminds me off when he was getting his first year molars in so maybe he is getting his two year molars in early:(

For FHE this week we made potato turkeys.

I really liked how they turned out!
Besides that we spent most of the week preparing for and then celebrating Thanksgiving.

  This is Clifton being such a helpful little man and making cookies with me.  He even wanted to put on an apron like Mommy:)

We went down to Alex's parents for Thanksgiving (even though they were not there), but most of the family got together.

Alex's sister had a cute idea of making edible acorns.  You used doughnut holes and dipped the top in chocolate and then dipped that in health bar bits and add a pretzel in the top.  Super cute and fun.

 I got an idea to make rice krispie turkeys.  Mine did not turn out as cute as Alex's sisters:(  But it was messy which always means fun:)  Clifton really liked helping in this activity.  He helped roll the rice krispies and dip them in chocolate and of course eat the candy corn.

Grandma and Grandpa Peterson have a piano and Clifton really enjoyed playing it, especially with someone else.  He spent a lot of time at the piano.

After a little while he started warming up to everyone and enjoyed playing and being read to.

A wonderful week full of family and fun.  One thing I am really grateful for is Alex's family!  I sure do feel comfortable and loved when I am around them.

36 weeks pregnant.  Getting there.  I am doing well just real tired and getting pretty swollen.  Which is all new to me because I did not swell at all with Clifton.  We had an appointment with the doctor this week.  The baby is moving and seems to be doing well.  They are worried that I might have preclampsia.  So I had to do some delightful tests.  We got back the results and I do not have preclampsia!  I do not quite understand it but they are still worried I will get it so they are going to keep an eye on me and my blood pressure, weight, and pulse. So LOTS of visits to the doctors until baby decides to come.

Since baby's arrival is getting closer I have been getting more prepared.  This week I separated all the clothes out that are neutral and put them in the baby's dresser and moved Clifton's to his dresser now in his closet.  I also arranged all the boy clothes by age so if we have a boy again I am organized.  We have been extremely blessed with family that is willing to give us hand-me-downs.  No matter what this baby is we will have tons of clothes! 

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