
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall is here

Updates on Clifton - 
New words - hot dog, cat, hat, and shirt.
Well, nursery did not go well this week.  He screamed and screamed till he was gagging.  I am not sure how to go about this and how to help him feel comfortable in nursery but hopefully he will get there.  I would love suggestions of what worked for other moms out there with children who are like Clifton.

For FHE we made a blessing tree (got the idea from Pinterest - which is my new addiction).  

Alex and I sat down with Clifton and explained gratitude/being thankful.  We are sure he did not understand but it does not hurt to try.  We asked him what he is thankful for.  He answered tractor, grandma, grandpa, and Evan (his friend).  I am sure he was just spouting out words he knew but they worked.  So we made some leaves for Clifton and then Alex and I filled in the rest.  We plan to add more til Thanksgiving.  We sure are blessed and it is great to see our tree get fuller and fuller.

 Clifton and I went for a walk earlier that day to find some sticks to use for our tree.  He found this huge stick!
When I asked to find sticks he kept pointing to the trees and saying trees.  Silly boy - there are sticks on trees.  So I guess I get what I asked for.

Clifton and I have enjoyed the nice sunny fall days we had this last week.  We took advantage of the nice days and spent time outside before it starts getting too cold and rainy.  He sure loves the freedom of being outside!

I love love love doing art activities with Clifton.  I try and plan something each week.  This week we made pine cone wreath and decor.  

 First we went for a walk and took our wagon to pick up pine cones.  After showing Clifton a pine cone he would pick them up with out guidance and knew what they were.  Clifton was having fun picking them up and throwing them in the wagon.

This is Clifton running ahead with the wagon and looking back like "come on mom!"  He is too fast for me to keep up with him these days.  

Funny story about picking up pine cones -  After we found enough and started heading back to the house Clifton wanted to sit in the wagon.  I put him in and starting heading home.  After about a minute or so I turned around to look at Clifton to see him throwing out a pine cone and then noticed a long trail of pine cones behind us.  We had to go back and pick them up again.  He really is a silly boy. 

 So after we found the pine cones we got some paint out and started painting them fall colors.  We started with a foam brush but ended up just rolling them in paint.

This is my messy boy after painting.  Not too bad:)

This is how they turned out.  I love them.  Simple but tons of fun making them!

This weekend we went down to the Marina with another family and swapped taking turns doing family photos.  Amy did an awesome job taking our family photos.  Clifton was not really having it but she managed to get a few good pictures.  Hopefully we got some good ones for her too.

 I look a little weird because he was hard to lift after a while but still a cute family picture.
 Love this one!
 Our favorite!
I have the best boys in the world!

One thing we are blessed with is the beautiful place we live.  We seriously are blown away by the beauty of Port Orchard and surrounding areas!

34 weeks!  Still hanging in there.  Things are getting harder and believe it or not I am getting even slower.  But I am getting there! 

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