
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Updates on Clifton -
Still struggling with nursery but he will now at least go into the room and play with Alex or I, but as soon as we leave it is screaming and more screaming.  So hopefully that is a step in the right direction.?.
He has started to show another passion.  He has always LOVED tractors and he started watching Bob the Builder and now he ask to watch "Bob" all the time.  It is crazy to me how he has never shown an interest in TV before but suddenly he is addicted.
Besides that he is a healthy and happy little boy who lights up our lives.

We had lots of fun this week.

 Alex has YM every Tuesday and I help with Activity Days every other Tues.  So Clifton gets to come with me to AD.  This week for AD the girls painted pumpkins.  We had some extras so we let Clifton join in on the painting.  He really enjoyed it.

 Here is his final product.  I really enjoy doing art with Clifton.

So for an early birthday present (because he had this Friday off) Alex painted the kids' rooms.

So this will be Baby Peterson #2's room.  Right now it is in the transition of becoming the babies room and a play room.
This was Clifton's room before the paint.

 So this is the process of painting both of the rooms.  It took Alex a little longer because he had Clifton running around wondering what he was doing.  After a while Clifton got in the spirit of wanting to help.  So with lots of guidance we let him help. Clifton wants to be like his dad so much and wanted to be a big boy and paint.  It was cute and a little crazy at the same time.

So this is how Baby Peterson #2's room turned out.  We painted just one wall with yellow stripes.  I love how it turned out.  I really think my husband is super talented and really appreciate his thoughtful gift for me.  This room still has work that needs to be done.  I need to get yellow curtains to hang over that huge window, duck wall decor, and change the dresser cover to yellow.  Also the crib will go where the train table is as soon as we get Clifton into his big boy bed and baby is ready for it.

 This is Clifton's room after the paint.  We painted two walls green and left two walls white.  On one wall we had stickers that match his quilt and so we put them on that wall.  Clifton loves the stickers and points to them all the time.  I really like his room.  The crib will be moved out into the babies room and the train table will take its place.  Besides that his room is pretty much set.

Saturday our ward had a trunk or treat!

I went as a construction bump sign. I thought it was pretty clever. So we figured Alex should go as the construction worker (who made the bump).  We think we are funny!  We wanted Clifton to go as a cone, but I was not creative enough nor did I think he would wear it.  So we decided to make him a construction worker as well (Bob the Builder).  He refused to wear his construction hat and tool belt so he just kind of looked like a farmer.  Hopefully for Halloween we can get him to wear it.  Good thing I did not spend money on his costume!

Clifton's little friend Evan came with us trunk or treating.  It had been a while since they had seen each other so they were just running around like crazy and laughing all night.  Evan was a cute little dinosaur.  It was so funny to watch him run around in it.  We brought Clifton's dump truck to make him look more like Bob/construction worker.

After a while of going from car to car Clifton figured it out and started liking trunk or treating.  But by the time he started having fun it was almost over.  Hopefully he will understand trick or treating on Halloween and enjoy that. 

Sunday we had our primary program.  All went real well.  The kids did great and the spirit was there.  I really enjoy my calling and working with the other presidency members, teachers, and the children!

32 weeks pregnant!  Getting out of bed is becoming my struggle, but I get there eventually!  Sunday at church people kept asking me when I was due.  When I told them the end of December they looked at me with a surprise and said that the baby is going to come early.  HOW SAD:(  I do not think the baby is going to come early I am just GINORMOUS!  Thanks for all the reminders!  Even though I am huge I have been sticking to my goal weight gain pretty well.  I am about a pound or two over what I want to have gained by now.  So hopefully I can keep that up (which this stage is where the weight really packs on).  Besides being tired, sore, and moody (the normal) all is going real well.

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