
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Updates on Clifton -
 Clifton is really getting into computer and phone games lately and I am rather surprised at how well he gets the concept of playing on the computer and phone.
He has also learned that there is a difference between spooky and scary.  He has been really frightful lately but understanding that things might be spooky like ghost and monsters are not for real and he does not need to be scared.  It is a good step and has helped out this holiday.

Updates on McKay -
She is clapping all day and all night.  She learned how to clap and seriously does it all day.  Alex was trying to put her to sleep and she was clapping with her were eyes closed and he was rocking her:)  It is cute though.  She also LOVES to wave.  She will wave all day long.

 For family night we carved our pumpkins!  One of my favorite things to do around this time.
 Clifton helped me scoop out my pumpkin guts.
 Then we started decorating his pumpkins with potato head parts.  I let him choose whatever part he wanted and where he wanted it.
I think it turned out pretty cute.  He calls it is monster pumpkin.

I put together McKay's.
 Yep he is using a drill to carve his pumpkin!
Alex and my final product.  I am not going to lie I think they look pretty dang good.

For pack meeting (cub scouts) this month I took the boys to a fire station.  I of course brought Clifton along with me.
 He loved it.  Apparently something was funny:)
 Isn't he cute?
It was a fun night.

This week the boys and I made a spider web and threw paper at it and got it caught in the web.  They liked it.
Especially the throwing part:)

There is a ranch in Port Orchard that was doing a festival and had a ton of free events.  One of which was a tractor ride.  Of course I had to load the kiddos up and go!
Doesn't she look so cute all bundled up?
 On the tractor ride.
There were also hay mazes and animals to visit.  It was a fun afternoon even though I pushed nap time for everyone.

Well its rainy season (who am I kidding we live in Washington it's always rainy season) so we got some rain boots, thanks to Denyal, and went and played in the rain.
Clifton liked it.  Next time I will have to find more impressive puddles for him to jump into.

Saturday there was a spooky train ride going on at a park.  So we got the kids dressed up even though it was raining and spent the evening at the park.
 Mickey Mouse
 Minnie Mouse
 Mickey and Minnie Mouse
 Waiting in the rain for the train ride.
Going for a ride.  It was a little spookier then I was expecting.  There were a few people who jumped out at you.  But we could see them coming so Clifton and I would yell boo first and try to scare them.  That way it was not scary!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Photo Shoot

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton is still pretty afraid of things around him.  The last few days he has been saying there are monsters under his bed or in his closet.  I thought I had a little while before this stage but I guess not.  We have tried very hard to not watch anything that could be scary around him but yet he has still become afraid of things.  The funny thing is the scariest thing to him is beeping.  After the fire alarm went off that one 5am morning he is scared of it.  The other day there was beeping outside our house in the morning and Clifton shot up and started screaming.  What a weird thing to be scared of.

Updates on McKay -
Her first ponytail!
 Alex does not like it but I think it is super cute and more girly then her usual crazy hair.
And this one because it is just too funny not to post!
Not walking yet but still moving around like crazy.  She is also become more vocal and coping sounds we make.  Her knew thing is to say uh-oh.  It's cute!

This week we had fun doing fall activities.  First we painted the kids feet like candy corn.
Clifton loved it.  He giggled the whole time telling me it tickled.  Which I am sure it did.  I think they both turned out very cute.

Then we did some pumpkin painting.
 He loves painting so very fun for him.

Then I took all the kiddos to a corn maze.
 She is cute.  Love those eyes!
 Getting ready to adventure into the maze!
 The boys really liked it.  They had a cute activity the kids could do too.  They gave the boys a piece of paper with pictures on it.  They had to find those pictures throughout the maze and punch a hole in the ones they found.  I was surprised at how well Clifton understood what to do.  Smart boy!
 They had tons of tractors at the farm.  Which of course the boys LOVED!
 McKay liked it too.
 I'm driving here!
It was a fun afternoon.

It was a beautiful fall afternoon.  So I tried to take some fall photos of the kids.
 This is the best one.  It's pretty good.  I am no photographer but I sure love capturing life on camera.
 This one just makes me laugh.  McKay makes the silliest faces.
 He is pretty dang cute!
Fall photo shoot 2012.

This week we also grabbed some toilet paper and wrapped everyone up like mummies
 Alex is always a good sport and always gives us a good laugh.
 Clifton thought it was pretty fun.  As you can tell McKay enjoyed trying to eat the toilet paper:)
The best part for the boys was ripping the toilet paper off and then cleaning it up with dump trucks.

Random photos from this week. 
 This is why the laundry doesn't get done:)
McKay playing at the park.  She loved spinning around.