
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Extreme K Mud Run

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton is pretty much praying all by himself.  We help him start off and he will say thank you for for whatever he is thankful for that day (which is usually a long list of thank you's).  It is really cute to listen to him pray.  The simple things he is thankful for.  The other night he was thankful for chicken nuggets, french fries, chocolate milk, Lighting McQueen, Mater, Mom, Dad, and McKay.

Updates on McKay -
She had her nine month doctors appointment this week.  She is as healthy as a horse and growing like a weed.  She is in the 93rd percentile in height.  She is our tall girl.  Her weight is in the 47th percentile and she is just doing real well.
She is getting close to walking.  She likes walking around with her walking or holding onto my hands.  She would hold onto my hands and walk around all day if I let her.
Silly girl!

This week the boys and I enjoyed doing some Halloween arts and crafts.
We did some cookie cutter painting.
 Going to pick up rocks to paint.
 Look I got one mom!
 They sure love to paint.
Final product.  They love the pumpkin rocks and every time we go in or out they have to talk about and look at them.

Saturday Kitsap had their first mud run.  The had an Extreme K Mud Run in Silverdale.  Alex work sponsored a team so we ran with some of his co workers.
This was so cold!!!!!  We had to army crawl in the muddy water under barb wire for a ways.  A couple people in front of us someone got stuck so we were sitting in there for a little.  It was SO cold!
 I love Alex!  We still have a ton of fun together:)  And he still makes me laugh!
Finished! It was different then the other mud run we did.  This run was not nearly as muddy (probably due to the lack of rain in Washington) but still fun. 

This weekend was also General Conference.  We went down to Alex's parents house to watch conference with some of his family.
Clifton loves going to Grandma's house and playing with his cousins.  Which makes me happy because I never really knew my cousins and never hung out or were friends with them.
 No better way to spend conference then being surrounded by loved ones and snuggles my sleepy baby!

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