
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has almost got all his (capital) letters down.  He gets some of them mixed up but for the most part he knows his letters.  He is getting good at saying his ABC's as well.  We are working on number recognition as well, which he often gets some confused with letter (like 8 for B or 9 for P).  He is a smart boy and loves to learn.

Updates on McKay -
She gets up and stands without assistance.  She does not walk but will stand there for a while until she is ready to go somewhere and then she goes to crawling.
 She will be walking in no time.

This week we got our diapers in the mail.  So we had a big box to play with.
 Clifton helped me decorate their box.
They both played in it all morning:)

My friend had an extra ticket to Wicked.  Thanks to my wonderful mother in law who watched my kiddos, I was able to go with her.  I am so blessed to have family to help out.  My mother and father in law and husband went out of thier way so I could have a day with my friend.
It was my first time at a musical and in the Paramount Theaters.  It was a wonderful experience.  The Paramount is beautiful and I could have spent all day just looking around.  The play was awesome!  And the company was great.  Thanks Jessica for taking me;)

Friday we went to a pumpkin patch.  We had to find one with a tractor, because Clifton LOVES tractors.
 Watching his face and seeing him get excited about the tractor ride was worth the longer drive to the pumpkin patch.
 Clifton loved looking at all the different pumpkins and helped pick out one for him and one for McKay.
 We also love looking at the animals.
We had a fun time!

 Saturday night we got together with some friends and played laser tag.
It was a blast!!!!!  It is always fun playing like a kid:)

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