
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Day with Grandma

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton is  getting beat up by his sister these days.  She tackles him to the floor and often sits on him and he can't get up.  He is our tiny little guy and McKay seems to take advantage of that.  You would have thought it would be the other way around.
Clifton is still loving playing games on my phone and the computer.  This is often what we see when Clifton plays games.  McKay just loves to be where her brother is and do what her brother is doing.  I actually think it is cute that she will sit and watch what Clifton is doing.  And this is really the only time they both sit still!

Updates on McKay -
She is starting to climb or try to climb on everything.  She wants to be on the couch all day long.  I have no idea what makes her want to be up there but she wants to get up there and crawl around.  So I need to be right there to make sure she does not fall off.  I don't get much done during the day:/  She took a couple steps this week.  She is not too sure about this walking thing but she will get there.
 Just a cute picture of McKay yawning:)

This week was a tough week for the Peterson's home.  Daylight savings was Sunday and it threw my kiddos off.  They are waking up early and going to bed at the same time.  They are tired but are not sleeping well all because of day light savings.  I am hoping we can get them back on track soon.

A good friend was getting rid of her little exercise trampoline and offered it to us.   Of course I had to snatch it from her.
 Clifton was so excited to get a trampoline and it is a great help to get his excess energy out.
 McKay loves it too.  And she always has excess energy so anything to wear her out is good as well.
 Clifton jumped so much his pants fell down.  He thought it was histerical!

This week we also took a day trip to visit with Grandma.  Alex took the day off and finished some things around his parents house that needed to get done.
 Grandma's house had leaves to play in.  Clifton liked the crunchy sound they made when he stepped on them.
 Swinging on Grandma's porch.
 Grandma time.  Our kids sure love their Grandma.  I feel so blessed to live close enough to both of our parents and that our kids can have a relationship with both sets of grandparents.
 I know it is blurry but it was so stinking cute.  Clifton was rocking in a little chair that Grandma had at her house and he turned to me and said that he wanted to rock McKay.  So I let him.  They had fun!
 Hey everyone look at me I am sitting in a chair!

Friday we got together with some friends and did and skittle bowling group date.  It was a ton of fun.
This is Alex doing the Robot and bowling.  A real fun night!  We have some good friends:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for putting the bowling together! I had a lot of fun - hadn't been on a group date in years. It was fantastic! You rock!
