
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween and Birthday 2012

Updates on Clifton -
He is sure getting bigger and smarter.  He can work the computer and my iPhone really well.  He also can finish a sentence in a rhyming book. 
We got him to go potty on the toilet again but it is still a force.  I worry and think I just need to let up because I do not want him to think of potty/toilet as a bad thing and I think he will if I continue to force him to sit on it.  
This week Clifton has added a new word to his vocabulary, the word forever.  the other day we were walking down the stairs and he turned to me and said, "I need you forever mom.  Hold my hand forever."  It melted my heart.  I hope that is a promise:)  He now says that he will love us forever.  I think it is so darn cute.

He also keeps us laughing.  This week...
 He liked dipping his banana in Cheerio's and eating it.
And he gathered up all his toys on our bed one morning and told me he wanted to cuddle in bed with his toys.  Silly kid!

Updates on McKay -
She sure enjoys being around her brother and following him around.  Anything he is doing she wants to join in.  He does pretty well at letting her play near him or with him until she starts breaking things he did, like train tracks or blocks.  She just wants to be like her brother so much.  It is cute:)
She also started blowing kisses.  She loves using her hands.  Any chance she gets she will wave or clap. 

This week we decorated Halloween cookies as a family.  Clifton did pretty well at spreading the frosting.
McKay enjoyed eating them.

The boys and I had a week full of Halloween crafts.
 First we made trick or treat bags.  We made ghost and spiders out of hand prints.  They love painting.

Then Alex had left over pumpkins from an activity he did with the YM this week so we decorated them.
 Sticker pumpkin.
 Making a ghost pumpkin.
All three pumpkins after we finished decorating them.  It was fun.


 This year Alex and I dressed up as Donald and Daisy Duck.  Clifton and McKay dressed up as Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
 I LOVE this picture!

A rainy Halloween this year.  Even though it was a rainy Halloween we still had a lot of fun!
 Trunk or treating!
McKay stealing some candy.

Friday was the first game of the playoffs for the Sounders.  Thanks to wonderful grandparents, we were able to go.  Grandma and Grandpa watched our kids and got us tickets.  We love Grandma and Grandpa very much.  The kids loved having them over to visit and did not even notice we were gone.
It was a good game.  Sadly we tied which is better then a loss.  I bought ponchos for the game and drew the Sounders logo on it because I am too cheap to buy the official Sounders ponchos.  I think they turned out awesome.  Of course it did not rain that night.  But I insisted we wear them for a little.

For my birthday gift I wanted to go paint balling.  I had never done it before and have always thought it would be fun.
 Alex getting his gear ready.
 I am filling up my gun with air.  I was afraid it might blow up or something.
Ready to rumble.
 I have some great friends and family that were willing to get dirty with me for my birthday!  It was a blast but having them with me made it even more fun.
 All ready to go shoot some guns!
After playing!

It was an awesome week.  A fun week with the kids doing crafts and celebrating Halloween and then a GREAT birthday!  I am one lucky lady!  Thanks to all who helped make my birthday wonderful:)

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