
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Portland Thanksgiving 2012

Updates on Clifton -
He has been working on his somersaults and can do them sometimes.  He sure has a lot of energy and loves to move around.
 He also is using his tongue all the time. Sticking it out while he talks and wanting to play with it.  Silly kid.
He also has started drawing and telling me what it is he is drawing.  This is Clifton's friend Benson.  Can't you tell?

Updates on McKay-
She is at a stage where she wants her mommy all day long and is not happy unless mom is holding her.  I get nothing done.  She is also climbing on everything and taking steps.  She likes to stand up by herself and then take steps.  She does not like when you stand her up.  She is silly like that:)

For family night we painted our hands to make a turkey family.
 Clifton loves to paint and loves to use his hands and feet to paint.
This is how it turned out.  I think it turned out pretty cute.  I framed it and put it on our door.

We went to the mall play place to get our wiggles out this week.  This is the first time we have been since McKay has learned how to crawl.  She LOVED it!
Now if my house was a big soft jungle gym McKay would be happy all day long.

Right next to the play place there was a train sitting there.  At first I thought it was just decorations for Christmas but then people got in and it moved.  So we decided to go for a ride!
 They waved to everyone we passed.  It was cute, maybe annoying to others, but I thought it was cute!
 McKay enjoyed it just as much as the boys did.  It is a real cute train and a fun little ride.  We will have to do it again.

This weekend we went down to Portland for the Stanley Thanksgiving.
It is always good to see family.  And Clifton loves his cousins.
Alex seemed most excited to see my brother's dog:)  Oh puppy love!
My niece had a volleyball game that weekend so we got to go and cheer her on.  Clifton helped make signs to cheer her on with.  It was a good time.  I am excited for when my kids get old enough to start playing sports on teams.  I will be one of those loud moms, just like my sister-in-law!

We tried to do a little photo shoot for our Christmas card this year but our kids were just too grumpy. 
However I think we got one pretty cute picture out of it.  We will have to try again soon.

I have decided to sell Usborne books and more.  It is a great company that sells children's books.  I am excited to get selling and to have something to work towards.  I am working on my website and personalizing it and changing the domain name but for now it is...
Please feel free to check it out and see what the company has to offer. 


  1. So that's pretty much the most awesome picture of Clifton on his head! Nice work. Looks like you had lots of fun! You are so creative! What kind of paint are you always using on your little projects with the kids?

  2. When the kids just want to paint and there is no final product I want to save I use washable crayola paint but for something like this that I am saving or hanging up I use acrylic paint.
