
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
Nothing is really new with Clifton.  Still keeping us laughing and active.

Updates on McKay -
She is starting to follow directions and simple tasks.  Also if I ask a question she knows to shake her head yes or no.  I am not sure she quite gets the questions but she understands when a question is asked.

For FHE this week we talked about light.  That Heavenly Father created the light in the world - the sun, moon, and stars.  Then we played hide and seek game with lights off and a flash light.
Clifton could have planned that game all night and would have if we did not bribe him with refreshments:)

This week McKay had a lot of firsts.  She has always wanted to do what her brother is doing but I have not always let her join in.  But she is understanding me more and following directions better that I thought I would let her try some things.
First time painting!
First time playing with beans. She only put a couple in her mouth:)
After we cleaned up the beans the kids of course wanted to play with the bowls:)  Silly kids.

Thursday we had some friends come over to play for a while.  Three girls!  And when the girls out number the boys Pretty Pretty Princess has to come out.
Always a fun game to play:) And the boys do enjoy it too!

That night Alex and I went on a date night to the Apple store.  We were in need of a new computer and decided to go Apple.  Can't go wrong with that decision. Once you go Apple there is no going back.  The store had so many cool accessories and fun things that I would love to have, but in time.  Maybe:)
Alex was so embarrassed of my non nerdy ways:)

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