
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Shaving Cream

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has been working hard at undressing (which he can do pretty well) and dressing himself (which he struggles with).  But he is trying so hard and wants to practice all day.

Updates on McKay -
She is repeating a lot and jibber jabbering.  Pretty soon she will be talking:)  Which I am ready for.  I struggle with her yelling and screaming at me because I cannot figure out what she wants.

This week for FHE we talked about our bodies and that Heavenly Father gave them to us so we should treat them nicely.  Then we traced the kids bodies.  And Clifton helped trace our hands.  It was a fun night!  I love Monday nights, hand down it is my favorite day.
 Clifton thought it was so funny to be traced.  McKay wanted to do whatever her brother was doing.

The boys needed to get out of the house so we went to the bowling alley and played some arcade games.
Most of them where to big for them to play but they enjoyed just pretending to play on the motorcycle or the driving game.  McKay had fun too!
I must have taught her well.  She was going to each game looking in the coin return.  I always look for coins people forgot:)
Of course the candy game was a hit.  CANDY!

Then later that week I got some shaving cream out.
 Ahhhhh my hands!
Cars/trains in the shaving cream (or snow as they called it) was a big hit.
And then some writing in the shaving cream.  Clifton made a C for Clifton!
 This was McKay's reaction to it.  Her face says it all, "you want me to do what?"
The boys were so entertained for an HOUR!  Yep I said an hour.  They were doing so good and then I turned my back to change McKay's diaper and I turned around to shaving cream all over themselves!  What can I say he likes to get dirty like his mommy:)  Sometimes you just roll with the punches.  I let them play around a little longer and threw them in the bath.
Which kept them busy for a while too!  A fun day:)  The joys of being a stay-at-home mother.  I would not change it for the world:)  It was a fun week!


  1. I have a roll of white butcher paper. You are welcome to have some instead of taping together construction paper in the future!! I like Evan's spike! Wish I could get Beckham's hair to not just lay down flat in the front. You are a very good mom! Always doing a fun activity.

  2. Oh I will have to take you up on that offer. Thanks!

    I am not sure if I am a good mom or and ADHD mom:)
