
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Alex is Home!

Updates on Clifton -
He has always been a talker but lately he is seriously non stop talking.  It is cute to hear what he makes up, repeats from things he hears, and its fun to have a conversation with my little man.  However there are down falls, he says things that I have never said nor want to hear him say.  Nothing horrible but its sad that he picks those things up:(  He is also lost his volume control lately.  He is really loud! We are working on that but for now being soft is a struggle.

Updates on McKay -
I cut her bangs.  They were a little shorter than I wanted but they actually turned out cute.  She has cute hair, I got lucky.  It has a little curl and flips out all by itself.  Good thing it's cute by itself because I am not good with my own hair I am sure not good at her hair:)

Well Alex was gone for most of the week so we spent a lot of time face timing with him.
Face time helps keep us from missing Daddy too much.  Thank heaven for it!

We played a ton at home trying to keep busy and hoping the week flies by so we can be with Daddy again.
 She loves sitting here and playing.
 Much needed outside time.  Even though it did not last long, I am ready for summer!
Sticker time.  McKay really wanted to join in and she understood the concept.

Friday we went to Jump to celebrate a little friends birthday.
Clifton liked it as longs as I was going down with him.  It scared McKay a little.
This is what happened when he went down by himself, tears!  So we did not go down the slide once it got real busy.
 But then we found the jump house and he was happy as a clam.
 This looks means Clifton is having great fun:)
Peek a boo.  It was a fun morning with friends.

Then late that night Alex got home.  We were all so excited to see him and be able to hug and play with him.
The kids just wanted Daddy which was nice since I have had them all by myself for two weeks.

Saturday we got together went some friends and went ice blocking.
 I love my friends!  They are always willing to get together and do fun and crazy things.
 After many tears and a few tantrums Clifton finally tried going down and LOVED it.  And then he never wanted to stop.  Of course it took about twenty minutes for him to jump on board.  I guess it just had to be his idea.  Toddlers.  You got to love them:)  McKay did not really enjoy it but as long as I was holding her she was good.  Even though it was a rough start and we had grumpy kids we had a blast after a while.  

We did not really go down by ourselves but Alex did once and of course fell off and did a somersault.  And of course I got pictures so we can all laugh at him:)
Love that guy!

Sunday we went to Alex's parents house to celebrate December/January birthdays in the family.
So McKay got another little celebration for her birthday. 

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