
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012 and McKay Turns One

Updates on Clifton -
Potty training has started and it literally just clicked for him.  The first day was a long day of accidents and putting him on the potty every half hour but now he tells us when he needs to go and has gone a couple days without accidents.  Even at church he went and did not have an accident.  Now we are slowly starting to venture out of the house again.  I could not be more proud of my big man.  He is no longer my baby boy:/  Bitter sweet.  He is such a good boy and very smart too!

Updates on McKay -
She turned ONE!!!!  Yep on Christmas day:)  This year has flown by so crazy fast.  I swear I just was holding my new baby girl in my arms like a week ago and now she is running around, being silly, and starting to communicate.  Too fast!  What a joy she has been in our lives though.  We love her silly, crazy, dramatic ways.

Last blog I forgot to post our Sunday Christmas outfits.
 Clifton looking so handsome!
 They are just so cute!
Alex changed but still a good picture of us.

Christmas eve we decided that we wanted to do our own Christmas before going to Alex's parents home.  So we could enjoy Christmas with just our little family.  I am glad we did because I got to focus on them when opening presents and watch their faces light up and then play with them at home.
 Playing with their new toys.
 My wonderful gift from my wonderful husband.
 Figuring out what is in there...
 Then dumping it all out.
Walking around dumping her stocking out slowly.

Then we packed up to head out to Grandma and Grandpa's house.
 All the girls looking so cute!
We enjoyed the evening with family eating a yummy dinner and then having the Peterson Christmas Program.

 The kids waiting on the stairs to go open presents.  (Clifton is a goof)
 Matching PJ's!
Helping Daddy pass out all the gifts.

We had a white Christmas!!!!!
 Catching snowflakes on our tongues.
 We love playing in the snow!
 My little birthday girl all dressed up warm and looking like an angel. This is by far my favorite picture of McKay.  She is so cute!
Our first snowman!

It was a wonderful Christmas and birthday for McKay (we will celebrate later).  I took so many pictures.  It is so hard not to.  I want to capture every minute of my kids lives so I can remember it.

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