
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Playing in the Rain and Snow!

Updates on Clifton -
He has gone potty on the toilet a few times at his request.  After all the holiday craziness we are going to officially start potty training:)
Clifton is such a comic!  He makes some silly faces.

Updates on McKay -
 She signs more and we are trying to learn some other words as well.  She lets you know when she does not want something by saying no and shaking her head.  And she does it often!  She has also said "love you." She will sometimes repeat it if we say it.  It is very very cute.

For FHE we started a new tradition I hope to keep going throughout our kids childhood years.  We went through our toys and found good toys that we might not play with that often and chose a family that may not have a lot to give to their kids for Christmas and left it on their doorstep.  I hope that my children learn that there is more than getting presents for Christmas.

This week we had rain like usual but we went over to Clifton's friends house, Benson, and took advatage of his acreage.  We got our hats, gloves, jackets, and rain boots on and splashed in some puddles.
The boys loved it.  McKay really wanted to get down and join them:/  Soon enough she will be!  It was a great afternoon.

Then Wednesday, we got SNOW!!!!!!
 We got squirt guns out and filled it with colored water.  It did not last long but it was fun will the water lasted.
 McKay looking all cute bundled up.
 Alex taught the boys how to make and throw snowballs.
 She wanted to get down and play in the snow as well.

 We got our cars out and pushed them around in the snow.  Clifton just got this tractor from Grandma at our last Portland trip.  It went to good use shoveling some snow:)  Clifton loved the snow almost as much as I do.  He continued to ask to play in it and stayed out there longer then I expected him to.  We love snow!!!!  Alex even got a snow day off from work:)

Sunday we had Christmas with the Stewart's!  Dinner and swapping presents.
 Then playing some games!  Good times.

Just as we were walking home, we saw Santa on a fire truck.  He stopped and gave us some candy canes!
 Clifton loves Santa on a fire truck.  It is the only Santa he will not run away from screaming.

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