
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Tree

Updates on Clifton-
He is still dancing around the house all day!
 This is his dancing face.  He always moves his lips to the side .  It makes me laugh every time.

 Clifton helping with the laundry.

Clifton following the moves to Zumba wii game.  He asks me to play it!  He is so my son:)

Updates on McKay -
We are starting to work on simple sign language.  She has got the word "more" down.
She is officially a toddler - walking everywhere and all day long.  That is her main mode of transportation.

 A cute picture of the kids!

For our family night we turned on some Christmas music and decorated our Christmas tree.  One of my favorite things to do this time of year!
I LOVE this picture!!!!!!  It is totally them being the silly kiddos they are:)

We made cute little mistletoes.
 I like them and think they turned out cute.

Diapers came in the mail, so time to play with the box:)

My Uncle passed away this last week.  He was such a wonderful spirit and I am so lucky to have known him.
This is him holding me when I was little.  Always been one of my favorite photos.

My family held a viewing for him so Clifton and I decided to take a quick trip down to Portland,  Since it was just Clifton and I we decided to take the train.  Good decision!  Clifton LOVED it!  As did I:)
It ended short because Clifton got real sick that night , but we still had a blast.  I would love to ride the train again!
I should have gotten the hint when Clifton feel asleep at the viewing that he was not feeling well.  But it was so nice to cuddle with him.  He rarely falls asleep in my arms.

On Saturday, Alex's work had a children's Christmas party.
 We got to visit with Santa and Santa had gifts for each kid.  Both of my kids were terrified of Santa this year.
And we got to do crafts.  It was a fun party.

Sunday we took at trip down to Alex's parents house to visit with his sister who was in town from Utah.  It is always nice to visit with family especially those you don't get to see that often.
Clifton enjoyed playing with his cousins!

And we finally got a good family picture to use on our Christmas cards this year:)

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