
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

McKay's Birthday Party

Updates on Clifton -
He is officially potty trained!!!!!!  He has done so incredibly well in this process.  He holds it and will sometimes tell us when he needs to go.  He has not had an accident the whole week.  I now have a BIG BOY.  The next step is going potty on big toilets.  That might take a while:/

Updates on McKay -
She is super duper attached to me.  I cannot do anything and she will go to no one else without screaming.  We have a long road ahead of us, good thing she is cute. 

For the new year we went bowling with the kids and then out to dinner (thanks to my wonderful Olive Garden gift card).
 McKay enjoyed pushing the bowling ball.  She stayed interested longer then Clifton.
Then we played some games in the arcade.  A fun family activity.

Clifton and Daddy put together my Christmas gift this week.
Clifton is a good little helper.
Now they think it is a toy for them.  Good thing it fits under my bed!

We had McKay's birthday party this week.  McKay likes Mickey and Minnie so I thought it would be cute to do a Minnie Mouse party.
 The cake was an attempt at doing something similar to a cake on Pinterest.  However I did not want to use nor do I know how to use fondant.  It did not turn out as cute as I was hoping but I think it turned out okay.
 I love how the cupcakes turned out!
 The food table.
 Ears for the kids that come (and some adults too).
Tables for eating.
Clifton is such a goof!
 The kiddos ready to party!
Cake time!
 Clifton showing her how to do it (not that he ate his cake on his first birthday either).
 She got a little into it.  I guess I just dont make kids that want to smash and eat cake:(
 Grandma's!  It blew Clifton's mind that there were two Grandma's there.  He kept running around shouting "Look, two grandma's!"
 A lot of family came to celebrate.
And a lot of friends came to celebrate as well.  We are super blessed to have such great friends and family who want to celebrate our kids with us.  Thanks everyone who came and made the day special for Miss McKay!

McKay all partied out after her party!

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