
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hanging Around Home

Updates on Clifton -
He has entered the "why?" stage.  He asks why all day long.  I have to explain a lot:)  But I guess that is the way he learns the world around him.

Updates on McKay -
She had her one year check up and is doing great! 94% in height and 20 pounds (almost caught up with her brother)!
She loves to carry around her little blankets.  She is not attached to any particular one just as long as she has one.
She is starting to imitate our words all the time.  This me trying to get her to say "love you".  She does but of course has to make me work for it.

I am still a little scared to get out and do much with Clifton being so new at potty training and the fact that he will only use his toilet.  So we hung at home and played all week.
 McKay pushing her brother around, a common occurrence in our house.
 Tunnels are always fun!
 The boys playing with McKay's new toys.
We got our own Tom Cruise here... in his underwear and white church shirt busting out in song.  Love this kid!

Alex and I had a date night this week.  It was Alex's time to choose the activity.  And he choose ice blocking!  I must be rubbing off on him:)  It was super fun!
We spent most of our date looking for ice blocks.  We went to 4 stores and one gas station.  Of course the last store had like 50 of them:/  Now we know for next time!  I love date nights!

Alex left for business trip this week and will be gone for a couple weeks.  He will be greatly missed.
 This is McKay trying to sneak into his luggage.  We are all hoping the time passes quickly and we can have him home with us soon!

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