
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grandma's Birthday

Updates on Clifton -
His fear of public toilets or not his toilet at home is becoming less of an issue.  I don't have to plead and beg for him to go potty on a toilet that is not his anymore.
Now we need to work on getting dressed by himself.  He is good at getting undressed but refuses to dress himself or put his pants back on after going potty.

Updates on McKay -
She is using a fork without my help and properly.  She is getting so big and does things a lot faster having a brother to watch.  She loves eating with a fork:)

She loves imitating.  She is talking on the phone like mommy. (I don't normally sit in a box though)

We had more fun playing together this week.
Forts are always a hit and hours of entertainment!

The boys really wanted to go on a boat.  So I took them on the foot ferry.
We just rode it to Bremerton and then rode it right back.  This is McKay's first time (being old enough to know what is going on and be excited).  She liked it.  She loved watching the birds.

Friday Grandma and Grandpa Stanley came to town.  Clifton was so excited to see them and McKay was as well.  That day we took Grandma and Grandpa to Seattle to ride the ferris wheel and take them out to dinner.
Ferry ride.
Ferris wheel ride.  It was our first time as well.  It was so fun!  The kids loved it!  Lots of fun.  Maybe next time we can go on a nice day:)
On our way to dinner we stopped at the arcade and stores/restaurant area on the Pier.  They had a carrousel and of course we had to ride on it.
Just being silly:)

The next day was the first day of the little trains in Port Orchard.  The rain held off so we decided to go for a little train ride with Grandma.
This was McKay's first time.  It was a little chilly but we all still had fun!

That night we decided to take advantage of Grandma and Grandpa's hotel and swim in the pool.
Swimming is always fun.  We had a great weekend celebrating Grandma's birthday:)

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