
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week One as a One Car Family

Updates on Clifton-
He is eating a ton lately.  Well probably normal to everyone else but for him he has been eating so much!  Which I am really happy.
He has now entered the dress and undress phase.  He changes his clothes multiple times day.  If he spills water, or something gets on anything he is wearing he has to go change.  I have found him numerous times naked too.  He is sure silly.  I am glad he is finally taking action on getting dressed by himself, but I could use less outfit changes:).
This is one of Clifton's outfit choices:)
Also he is not napping:(  So we are trying to figure out quiet time so I can still have some time to myself.

Updates on McKay-
New words - fish, Donald (as in Donald Duck), Mickey, Toodles (we obviously like Mickey Mouse around here), nose, eyes, head, and hair.
She is starting to jibber jabber.  I like this stage.  It's nice when they can communicate and have an actually conversation with you but it is also cute when they talk to you in nonsense language and look at you like you should understand.
McKay wearing my heels:)

So we are going to be a one car family for a while.  We are going to save up for some things for the next few months until we NEED another car.  It will be a change for me because I cannot take Alex to work and will be without a car all day till he gets home.  Things will have to change a little but we can save up a good amount of money doing this.  The good thing is friends are willing to help take me places if I need to go somewhere and it is getting to be nice weather so we can spend most of our day outside.  And luckily this week was a beautiful sunny week.

We played outside most of the week!  We jumped on the trampoline, made a fort outside, played with sidewalk chalk, watched frogs jump, and even played in water.  We got the sprinkler out for the first time tho year.  McKay was a little timid but Clifton was all over it.  I love his swim shorts and rain boots:)  He seriously cracks me up.  Clifton and I even had a water fight.  He did a good job holding his own.  I got pretty wet.  most of the time the kids played in a bin full of water with measuring cups, funnels, and rags.  Clifton even washed his little car.  It was a beautiful week!  I am excited to have more days like these.

We even took a bike ride over to a park.

Saturday we went to the Seattle Aquarium.  My friend had some free tickets so we could not pass that up.
It was pretty crowded but we had fun.  My favorite part was the fur seal.  He was out cleaning himself and showing off how good he looked.  He was cute!

Our six year anniversary was Saturday as well.  It has been the best six years and I could not ask for anything more:)  Alex parents took us out to dinner to celebrate.  Which was really nice.  I got Alex Sounders ticket for our anniversary and we are excited to go in a couple weeks.  He got me a lovely canvas with the Portland Temple on it and our name and anniversary date.  It was a wonderful day:)

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