
Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
His napping has been on and off.  Some days he naps and some he does not.  I'll take what I can get:)

Updates on McKay -
New words - movie (she likes movie/tv. She would watch it all day if I let her)
She is talking talking.  She has a lot to say and all the time.  Its cute!

Alex left for Georgia for business this week so we had a car, but no Daddy.  However it was a beautiful week!  We had lots to do and time flew by.
Tons of outside time.  We visited lots of parks and had tons of fun!  I love playing with my kiddos:)

We also washed the car so it would be nice and clean for Daddy to take to work when he got home from Georgia.
 Always fun to do!
This what happens when you ask a three year old to take in the roll of paper towels:(

Saturday we went to pick up Daddy from the airport!!!!  We were all excited to see him.
We love having Daddy home!

Sunday on our way to church we hit a deer.  It was on the side of the road by the trees and Alex saw it right before we came up to it and said deer.  I heard him but before I had time to react it jumped right in front of the car.  And we hit it!  I never had time to brake so we hit it full speed.  Our car did what it should and we barely felt the hit.  The kids did not even notice.  We got a dent and walked away safely.  We are lucky and when we hit the deer it flew to the side of the road so we did not have to go drag it off the road.
From two cars to one car to no cars in a couple weeks:/

Other than the deer we had a wonderful week!

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