
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Portland Trip

Updates on Clifton -
He is such a little talker.  He has so many stories to tell and things to talk about.  He says some of the silliest things and remembers lots of things that he has seen, heard, or done.  One of the silliest things he said this week was after I asked him if he knew what being patient means.  He said "Ya I do.  It means to wait for someone to make cookies."

Updates on McKay -
New words - grandma, grandpa, welcome, pancakes, and going.
I have finally started time outs (I struggle when to start because I want to make sure they understand).  She totally understands and now that means I have lots of work to do.  I actually have to discipline:/  But it is a good thing.  Clifton has had things unfair around here for him because she was"a baby" but now things well get a little more even.

This week for FHE we went on a picnic at the lake with some friends since it was a descent day of weather.
 It really was not that warm but they wanted to play in the lake.
 Clifton walking with his friend.  Cute!

The rest of the week it rained...
We painted, played in shaving cream, bubbly water, beans, and with balloons.
And when it was not raining we were outside splashing in the puddles:)

Friday we traveled down to Portland to visit with family and to see my brother beautiful new house.
 Clifton loved seeing all of his cousins and having more friends to play with.  The first night Clifton really wanted to sleep with his cousins.  So we thought we would give that a try.  However Alex and I did not have high hopes.  Clifton has an amazing talent of not sleeping.  Anyway two out of the three fell asleep, the one awake was of course Clifton.  We finally took him to bed with us when we went to sleep.
We had fun just visiting with everyone.  Clifton did not want to leave.
Saturday we went to the aquatic center in Portland.  The kids had fun they were a little overwhelmed by the crowd of people.  But we had fun swimming.  Clifton liked the wave pool the best.  He begged to go down the big slide, but was too afraid to go down the little slide:)

A great weekend in Portland! 

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