
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Updates on Clifton-
We are struggling with making a schedule with some days napping and some days not.  He is often super tired but refuses to sleep and that makes for a long day.  This transition is proving to be a hard one.

Updates on McKay -
New words - baby and water
She loves ducks/birds!  Any time she sees a duck/bird she quacks.  I think it is so cute.

This week we had some more great weather.  So more time outside playing!
 They love playing in the sprinklers and I am water the grass at the same time:)
 Yum, frozen yogurt!
Our friends were at the park and we joined in on blasting rockets off.  Clifton LOVED it!
Don't do it McKay!

We had fun inside as well!
 We made a ramp for our cars to go down.  The boys loved this.
This is what happens when I turn my back for two seconds:/  For some reason she thought eating the marker was a good idea.
Clifton copied the shapes of pattern blocks all by himself.  He was so proud as you can tell!

This weekend we went to a Sounders game (Alex's anniversary gift).
It was so fun!  I love going to the Sounders games.  Probably one of my favorite things to do.  One day when we are filthy rich (hey a girl can dream) we will have season tickets for our kids and everything.  I wish!  I cannot wait to go again.

After the game we meet up with Alex's family and had a Mother's Day picnic.
Always fun to get together with the Peterson's!  I have a wonderful mother in law and my kids love her dearly.  We are very lucky to have her in our lives.

Mother's Day - Alex made me french toast and took care of most of the kids needs.  He is a great husband!  I have a wonderful mother and we all love her so very much.  She has always been a fun and happy mother that I could turn too.  We did not spend Mother's day with her but we let her know how important she is too us.  Love you Mom!  And my kids love you Grandma!
I LOVE being a mom.  It is the toughest and hardest thing I have ever done,  but it is also the BEST thing I have ever done.

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