
Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
He has been my eater this week.  Which is great!  He must be going through a growth spurt or something.  It has been nice to not have to force and fight him to eat.  I am hopeful that continues.
Clifton is my talker and my favorite thing he said this week was "what in the whole wide world is this doing here".  He was talking about our computer.  We took it apart and moved it down stairs for our garage sale.  He makes me laugh so much.  I love him dearly!

Updates on McKay -  New words - horse, butterfly, pancakes, and bless you.  She says "bless you mommy"after I sneeze and it is so cute!
She has thrown some major tantrums this last week.  I never knew a tantrum until I had her.  She can get mad about something a cry about it for seriously an hour or more.  So I am trying to learn how to handle that.  I would always love advice.

We had sunshine the WHOLE week!  Life is better when the sun is shinning.  More things to do and many ways to get the kids energy out.
We did this every single day this week.  Monday I got out Alex's paint rollers and paint brushes out (I asked first if we could use them knowing we'd probably ruin them).  We went to the sidewalk and painted the sidewalk and watched it dry up.  Clifton loved making a long line which he called a snake.  They asked to do it everyday after.  So I thought of different places we could paint with water.  The fence was one of their favorites.

Wednesday my friend took us to the zoo with them.  She loaded us all in her car and took us.  She is seriously so awesome!
The tigers were my favorite (they had a seven week old cub).  Clifton said his favorite was the elephants.
Of course we had to stop at the carousel! My kiddos LOVE riding on it.

Evan got a trampoline for his birthday present so we had to spend a morning testing it out:)

The boys practicing/playing soccer.

Clifton has been wanting to take pictures.  So we spent an afternoon letting him take pictures.  Here is the shoots that turned out.
He will probably be like his daddy and have a good eye for art/creativity.  Well I can only hope he will be like his daddy:)


  1. Great pictures! Looks like you always have fun :)

  2. Kenna your blog is awesome! I need you to rub off on me! :)
