
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Updates on McKay -
No more binky for McKay!!!!!  Grandma P was here and put her to bed and she did it without a binky. So I figured I would try to take it away before she gets too attached.  And it was successful.  Now to throw them all away so I am not tempted.

Updates on Clifton -
He has been napping again lately.  Up earlier in the morning but napping during the day.

This week my mother in law came over for a couple days to watch our kids while I took Alex to the US National Men's Soccer Game in Seattle (his Father's day gift).  It was great to have her here and play with the kids.  They sure love grandma!
She will probably kill my for posting this pictures.  But it was so funny.  She went through the tunnels and got a little stuck.  The kids are trying to help her by pushing on her feet but were also getting in her way.  The kids and I loved having Grandma visit.

That night we went to the US National Men's Soccer game against Panama.
We had so much fun!  We got there early and got to march with all the fans to the stadium cheering and chanting.  And we won!  GO USA!

This week we had fun doing some art projects.
Finger painting is always so much fun!
We even made a little something for Dad!  He does rock:)

On Saturday we got to spend the morning helping our friends clear their land.  Clifton was in heaven!  A small bull dozer was there, tons of dirt to play in, shovels, tools, and open space.  A boys dream:)
It was a fun morning.
Cliffy took this picture.  He is getting good!

That evening we had a picnic at the lake with some friends.
A fun evening:)

Sunday was Father's Day and we got to celebrate Dad.
Clifton put Dad down for a nap, scratched his back, and sang him a song.  It was very cute.  Our kiddos have the best father.  He is always playing and taking time to be with them.  He is a great husband as well.  We are very blessed to have him in our lives!

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