
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dirty Dash 2013

Updates on McKay -
This has been a real hard week for McKay.  She got a staph infection on her skin.  It was pretty bad.  She had a constant fever no mater what I did, throwing up, and shaking in pain. We ended up in the ER one night because she was in horrible condition.  They started her on antibiotics right away but it still took awhile for them to kick in and her skin infection really hurt her.  It was in her diaper area so that made it even worse for her.  But by the end of the week things have been looking up.  She still has a wound but the swelling has gone down drastically and no fever or any other issues.
I was so happy to have my little crazy girl back.  I love her so much and it was so hard to see her in so much pain.

Updates on Clifton -
He has been loving dressing up and pretending to be someone or something lately.  He really gets into character.  It is pretty cute.  I love watching what he does and acts when he pretends.

This week I got a few costumes at a garage sale and the kids were loving dressing up.

They were having so much fun playing as different characters.  They wanted to wear them everywhere.  I will need to hit up some more garage sales to collect more dress up clothes.

We also had fun with art this week.
Messy but they loved it.

We even had pretty good weather that we got the sprinkler out.
Clifton use to be timid around the sprinkler but he is getting good at playing in it and running around having fun.  Now McKay is pretty timid and wants us to play with her/ hold her.

This weekend was the Dirty Dash.  I have been seriously counting down the days to do this again.  With McKay's infection I almost had to miss out.  But she finally started feeling better the morning of the race.  I am very glad that I did not miss out and that my mother in law, sister in law, and nieces were super awesome and took care of my kiddos.
 Before the race in our costumes that lasted about five minutes:)  Except for Aaron who wore his tiny sombrero the whole race!
 We got asked by the race director to compete in a tug of war while we were waiting for our heat to start.  It was fun and hard!  We played over a mud pit so who ever lost went into the pit.  WE WON!  Later the director asked us to come up on stage.  He then said whoever gets the dirtiest gets a free shirt.  So we all ran and jumped in the mud.  I got the free shirt:)  So I started the race covered in mud.  We were celebrities that day, the whole race as we ran by people would say "Hey look, its the yellow team!"
 Group shots!
 After our race, Alex's sister got the kids and brought them over to do the piglet run.  This was Clifton's first year.
I was a little nervous he would not like it and that I would have wasted my money.  Oh but he loved it!  It made me so happy to see him having fun with it.  It is totally a family tradition that I want to keep.  He likes to get dirty like his parents! A wonderful way to end the week.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Updates on McKay -
No more binky for McKay!!!!!  Grandma P was here and put her to bed and she did it without a binky. So I figured I would try to take it away before she gets too attached.  And it was successful.  Now to throw them all away so I am not tempted.

Updates on Clifton -
He has been napping again lately.  Up earlier in the morning but napping during the day.

This week my mother in law came over for a couple days to watch our kids while I took Alex to the US National Men's Soccer Game in Seattle (his Father's day gift).  It was great to have her here and play with the kids.  They sure love grandma!
She will probably kill my for posting this pictures.  But it was so funny.  She went through the tunnels and got a little stuck.  The kids are trying to help her by pushing on her feet but were also getting in her way.  The kids and I loved having Grandma visit.

That night we went to the US National Men's Soccer game against Panama.
We had so much fun!  We got there early and got to march with all the fans to the stadium cheering and chanting.  And we won!  GO USA!

This week we had fun doing some art projects.
Finger painting is always so much fun!
We even made a little something for Dad!  He does rock:)

On Saturday we got to spend the morning helping our friends clear their land.  Clifton was in heaven!  A small bull dozer was there, tons of dirt to play in, shovels, tools, and open space.  A boys dream:)
It was a fun morning.
Cliffy took this picture.  He is getting good!

That evening we had a picnic at the lake with some friends.
A fun evening:)

Sunday was Father's Day and we got to celebrate Dad.
Clifton put Dad down for a nap, scratched his back, and sang him a song.  It was very cute.  Our kiddos have the best father.  He is always playing and taking time to be with them.  He is a great husband as well.  We are very blessed to have him in our lives!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
He has been my eater this week.  Which is great!  He must be going through a growth spurt or something.  It has been nice to not have to force and fight him to eat.  I am hopeful that continues.
Clifton is my talker and my favorite thing he said this week was "what in the whole wide world is this doing here".  He was talking about our computer.  We took it apart and moved it down stairs for our garage sale.  He makes me laugh so much.  I love him dearly!

Updates on McKay -  New words - horse, butterfly, pancakes, and bless you.  She says "bless you mommy"after I sneeze and it is so cute!
She has thrown some major tantrums this last week.  I never knew a tantrum until I had her.  She can get mad about something a cry about it for seriously an hour or more.  So I am trying to learn how to handle that.  I would always love advice.

We had sunshine the WHOLE week!  Life is better when the sun is shinning.  More things to do and many ways to get the kids energy out.
We did this every single day this week.  Monday I got out Alex's paint rollers and paint brushes out (I asked first if we could use them knowing we'd probably ruin them).  We went to the sidewalk and painted the sidewalk and watched it dry up.  Clifton loved making a long line which he called a snake.  They asked to do it everyday after.  So I thought of different places we could paint with water.  The fence was one of their favorites.

Wednesday my friend took us to the zoo with them.  She loaded us all in her car and took us.  She is seriously so awesome!
The tigers were my favorite (they had a seven week old cub).  Clifton said his favorite was the elephants.
Of course we had to stop at the carousel! My kiddos LOVE riding on it.

Evan got a trampoline for his birthday present so we had to spend a morning testing it out:)

The boys practicing/playing soccer.

Clifton has been wanting to take pictures.  So we spent an afternoon letting him take pictures.  Here is the shoots that turned out.
He will probably be like his daddy and have a good eye for art/creativity.  Well I can only hope he will be like his daddy:)