
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Mud Run!

Updates on Clifton -
His stuttering has now become over pronouncing each letter in the word.  It sure is silly and he speaks real slow because of it.
Being the silly cute boy he is!

Updates on McKay -
She finally got her top two canine teeth.  She was quite grumpy and had a hard time sleeping.  Now for the bottom two to come in:/

We had fun in the nice weather this week.  Had some hot days and some cooler days.  The hot days we played in the water and had some popsicles!
McKay really does not want to have anything to do with the water:/
This is as close as she would get! And that only happened for a little.
Soccer fun!
 My mother helper this summer:)  Love having a helper and so do the kids!
 Using up the rest of the sparklers.
 Look mom, flowers!
We took tons of walks this week.  I love when they hold hands:)

Saturday my sister in law invited me to join her in another mud run.  Of course I jumped at it:)
 We dressed up as 80's chicks!
 We got pretty muddy!
Then we had fun vandalizing her husbands car.  Sorry Brandon!  We had fun doing it.

That evening I cleaned up real well and went to the temple with my hubby.
It was a great temple trip.  We did sealings and I really enjoyed hearing the words and promises I made to my husband years ago.  The man doing the sealing turned out to be Alex's cousin once removed.  It is a small world:)

Another great week!


  1. You are keeping busy...what a great mom you are!

    1. Oh thanks:) I am pretty sure I have ADHD. I cannot be sitting still. I need to be doing something!
